Author Topic: DINNER blaster - number 1 weekly download on glass!  (Read 3602 times)

Shoots hot dinner at people

Model by narko555

I fixed decal data after 5 years.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 07:43:31 PM by King Tøny »

we reuploading add-ons now

we reuploading add-ons now

The last time I loving uploaded this was like 2013

Considering how you cant reply to the topic because it's old then I don't see why I shouldnt reupload.

is there a difference between the old one and this one now or no because they look the same

is there a difference between the old one and this one now or no because they look the same

The old one is 5 years old and I wanted to reupload it.

Did you have the old one before the reupload?

Doubt it.

Bet you didn't even know about it.

So STOP stuffting up my loving thread.

And if you must know there is a difference from the 2013 version and 2018 version.

But you wouldn't know that as I doubt you tried both.

wow tony did you make this

Go spam up the off-topic section, don't take your stuffposting in on-topic.

Number 3 downloads in glass.

Comparing this version to the older version, this bit of code was removed:
Code: [Select]
datablock DecalData(Hamburger)
textureName = "add-ons/Weapon_DinnerBlaster/CI_dinner.png";

That appears to all that was changed.

Comparing this version to the older version, this bit of code was removed:
Code: [Select]
datablock DecalData(Hamburger)
textureName = "add-ons/Weapon_DinnerBlaster/CI_dinner.png";

That appears to all that was changed.

5 year bugfix update, seems worth a reupload to me.

Think of all the people out there that had a broken outdated dinner blaster that finally got it updated.

So you fixed the weapon CI? Alright, you could at-least list that in the OP.
You could have also credited Narkro555, maybe.

So you fixed the weapon CI? Alright, you could at-least list that in the OP.

I don't have to for the glass release.

You could have also credited Narkro555, maybe.

I did

So what's the issue with reuploading? Or are you people just bored looking for things to stuffpost?

I'm not allowed to reupload for the BL glass release?  :nes: