((WARNING)) [megathread] Only Intellectuals Can Post in this Thread (120+ IQ}

Author Topic: ((WARNING)) [megathread] Only Intellectuals Can Post in this Thread (120+ IQ}  (Read 2638 times)


This IQ test is culture and language neutral. No previous knowledge is required in order to solve the 35 problems within the 25 minute limit. Since the test has not been standardized according to professional standards, the results should not be confused with a result obtained on a professional test. Your score is calculated according to your age group. If you are younger than 18 or older than 56, the results will be less accurate. The result is given using a standard deviation (SD) of 15.

You must click the alternative that is most logical.

If you don't know the answer, please note that you don't lose points for wrong answers. Therefore, it can be a good idea to guess.

Don't start the test before you are ready and have 25 minutes available.

It is an advantage if the room you sit in is airy and private.

In the example you see that all the images in each row are similar. You can also see it in another way: there is one image of each type in each column.

The correct answer is therefore alternative 2.

You can choose the figure you think is the correct one by clicking on it, or press A or 1 for the first figure on the first row, B or 2 for the second figure on the first row, and so on.

ya aint telling me where do i post and where do i not

ya aint telling me where do i post and where do i not
Spotted the handicap. LoL.  :cookieMonster:

i think my iq is 120 but isn't that average or something?

oh stuff this is a pkfire post. stay clear guys autism imminent.

gotta be honest some of this stuff had no forgetin pattern

another iq test thread so the low iq ppl can pretend to be smart

another iq test thread so the low iq ppl can pretend to be smart
ultra iq

A true intellectual would find measuring the vastly complicated nature of human intelligence with a single integer to be a completely ridiculous notion.

*tips fedora*

Excuse me lads but I'll have you know I've seen every episode of Rick and Morty, I'm a qualified genius.