Author Topic: Call Of Duty: Black Ops IV megathread  (Read 2992 times)

black ops 3 & 4 brothers be like how do i dolphin dive

black ops 1 & 2 gang for life

Played lots of black out, much more solid than PUBG, runs way better, isn't ruined by building, gives a lot of loot options (dropping small buildings actually gives you enough stuff to outfit a 4 person team), No handicapped weapon tiers, plethora of attachments lets you play how you want, perks are a cool addition and they're specific enough that they wont decide games, helicopter spawns are cool but you cant really kill anyone with them, overall 10/10 experience. Wish I could use my paintjobs on the guns, and a couple more maps would be cool.

Zombies is also cool, very unique maps but I think it gets diluted from all the stuff. The elixers, "ultimates", vending machines/god statues, pack a punch, mystery box, traps, power, map specific things, just a bunch of stuff. Still fun though.

Multiplayer also isnt complete garbage with the gay hero system, it lets you have some cool abilities that don't lopside the game, and some of the gamemodes are pretty fun

Apparently bo4 is good? I'm seeing more people talk about it now.

control is so loving fun holy stuff

so what actually links this game to the previous entries

so what actually links this game to the previous entries
it has the maps from black ops 2 and 1 in their original style and they are beautiful. it has the characters from the main series campaign/zombies

it has the maps from black ops 2 and 1 in their original style and they are beautiful. it has the characters from the main series campaign/zombies
oh yeah i forgot about blackout oopsie

im just still mad that black ops 3 had almost no connection to the previous games besides zombies

oh yeah i forgot about blackout oopsie

im just still mad that black ops 3 had almost no connection to the previous games besides zombies
im not talking about blackout, i think blackout gay.

im not talking about blackout, i think blackout gay.
wait wtf they have black ops 1 & 2 maps as regular multiplayer maps?

wait wtf they have black ops 1 & 2 maps as regular multiplayer maps?
slums (2), jungle (1), summit (1), firing range (1), nuketown (all)

thats epic, glad to see jungle and summit getting some of the spotlight

Spitfires with rapid fire and the loving 9mm smg dualies need to get a fatty nerf.

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