Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Annoying Orange Administration Activates Scum Mode on transmissions  (Read 16514 times)

yeah ok sure. point is, if you're trans, you have every right to be concerned about this.

Like I said, if a trans person identifies as male or female, they have nothing to be worried about.

And if they don't, then they aren't trans.

what laws are there that protect transgender people? isn't it just harassment stuff? If harassing a transgender person is a thing and transgender is legally removed, won't it just be harassing a person? I get that that might carry less weight than the former in terms of charges, but why? why would discriminating against someone for being transgender carry a heavier charge than just plain harassment? Shouldn't they be the same thing?

Right now if a transgender person harassed someone for being their born gender, that would be way less of a crime as a normal person harassing a transgender person, when both should literally be the same thing.

Don't get me wrong I don't care whatsoever about this new development and I actually believe it's not worth anyone's time or money to relabel the legal definition of gender. I can understand why transgender people will be worried but I think that there will be no decisive differences in our society once this change happens. Maybe I'm not transgender enough to understand but I still think that the laws protecting transgender people are both gratuitous and unfair; transgenders should have the same rights as every other citizen
it's not harassment, it's stuff like case law extensions of protections under the civil rights act, e.g. employment and housing discrimination. civil rights laws are not reactionary nor preferential, they are precautionary and protective. as i'm sure everyone would agree, nobody should be unfairly disadvantaged or mistreated in private or public spaces along the lines of someone else's personal bias.

Like I said, if a trans person identifies as male or female, they have nothing to be worried about.

And if they don't, then they aren't trans.
it's not permissible to pick and choose what identities and subgroups are protected. it's all or nothing when you're talking about civil rights protections. by tying the definition of gender identity to love, you exclusively exclude all trans individuals from protections.

there is no argument that this does not affect trans people. it is designed and drafted with the completely transparent intention of targeting trans people, their rights, and their protections. you can think that's great, but that's where we stand, and trans people should be concerned.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 07:23:18 PM by otto-san »

it's not permissible to pick and choose what identities and subgroups are protected. it's all or nothing when you're talking about civil rights protections. by tying the definition of gender identity to love, you exclusively exclude all trans individuals from protections.

there is no argument that this does not affect trans people. it is designed and drafted with the completely transparent intention of targeting trans people, their rights, and their protections. you can think that's great, but that's where we stand, and trans people should be concerned.

One more time since you don't seem to understand: trans people who do not identify as male or female are not trans people and do not deserve the civil protections granted to trans people, because gender/love is dichotomous and anything outside the gender binary is fiction.

One more time since you don't seem to understand: trans people who do not identify as male or female are not trans people and do not deserve the civil protections granted to trans people, because gender/love is dichotomous and anything outside the gender binary is fiction.
this just in, if i call myself a something else than my the love my genitals are, I don't deserve human rights

this just in, if i call myself a something else than my the love my genitals are, I don't deserve human rights
or the genitals of the opposite love

this just in, if i call myself a something else than my the love my genitals are, I don't deserve human rights

Once again, since none of you can read, nonbinary genders are not real and should not be protected the way tranloveuals are. Stop being a loving handicap for more than one second and read what I said. Who the forget is talking about human rights here? I said trans rights you dipstuff. Y'all are annoying me with this dumbassery. I said it like 4 times in 3 different ways and you're still being an ape about it what the forget

i was born without genitals thus everybody must refer to me by name rather than use pronouns

Once again, since none of you can read, nonbinary genders are not real and should not be protected the way tranloveuals are. Stop being a loving handicap for more than one second and read what I said. Who the forget is talking about human rights here? I said trans rights you dipstuff. Y'all are annoying me with this dumbassery. I said it like 4 times in 3 different ways and you're still being an ape about it what the forget
you could say it as many different ways as you want, but the reason people always give you a similar response is because it is an incorrect point
reread this post:
it's not permissible to pick and choose what identities and subgroups are protected. it's all or nothing when you're talking about civil rights protections. by tying the definition of gender identity to love, you exclusively exclude all trans individuals from protections.

there is no argument that this does not affect trans people. it is designed and drafted with the completely transparent intention of targeting trans people, their rights, and their protections. you can think that's great, but that's where we stand, and trans people should be concerned.

a person shouldn't be discriminated upon specifically because of their gender identity, be it binary or not.  rights exist to protect people, not to make them better than the rest.  where there is a very real possibility to go beyond simple protection into unfair privilege by making a civil right, removing/denying one is virtually guaranteed to be directly harmful to people; not only because of its absence, but also because when a law that protects people who would otherwise be discriminated against is abolished or denied publicly, it emboldens the people those laws would protect someone from to discriminate with impunity.

it doesn't matter whether you see it as real or not; the point of LGBTQ+ rights is to protect the people who identify as something other than cisgender from people who're willing to take their disbelief of such identities to a malicious level, much like you're doing now.

since none of you can read
nonbinary genders are not real and should not be protected the way tranloveuals are
Stop being a loving handicap for more than one second
you dipstuff.
Y'all are annoying me with this dumbassery.
and you're still being an ape about it

75%+ of a single post dedicated to insulting everyone who disagrees with you

Nonbinary genders don't exist and shouldn't be protected under law

For the 80th time

oh you're trolling okay

Once again, since none of you can read, nonbinary genders are not real and should not be protected the way tranloveuals are. Stop being a loving handicap for more than one second and read what I said. Who the forget is talking about human rights here? I said trans rights you dipstuff. Y'all are annoying me with this dumbassery. I said it like 4 times in 3 different ways and you're still being an ape about it what the forget
my sentence still makes sense, I read what you said

if I call myself something other than what my genitals are(not man or a female i call myself non-binary) i dont deserve human rights(human rights protected by law)

this is exactly what you are saying, and I think it's a stuff point of view

my sentence still makes sense, I read what you said

if I call myself something other than what my genitals are(not man or a female i call myself non-binary) i dont deserve human rights(human rights protected by law)

this is exactly what you are saying, and I think it's a stuff point of view

you're either male, female, or in need of psychiatric help

oh you're trolling okay

dismissing your nonsense isn't trolling. love and gender are not fluid things to be toyed with. Male and female are the only things a human can be, so unless people start identifying as sea urchins or whatever degenerate stuff the deep sea has to offer, forget off