Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Annoying Orange Administration Activates Scum Mode on transmissions  (Read 16517 times)

for some people, gender is a spectrum. just like autism.

I get it if someone doesn't like to be expected to act like a man or hates being judged against other women because they are not ladylike enough. but changing your gender is a hilariously stupid way to break out of expectations. rather than being comfortable with your un-manly or un-ladylike behavior and trying to stand up against society's arbitrary gender rules, you're just running away. like saying 'you can't judge me if I'm not male or female!' which in itself is the most superficial and arbitrary delusion one can enforce upon themselves, even more arbitrary then society's gender norms.

So, you don't feel comfortable with your gender. What will help: behaving how you want and how you feel comfortable with in the face of all judgement, or giving yourself an arbitrary title of nonbinary? I mean obviously you could do both but the latter of the two is gratuitous. If suddenly non binary as a label no longer exists , how will your life change? Will you suddenly be forced to act differently because one word dictates how you're supposed to act?

Hootaloo you aren't nonbinary. Youre a dude who acts more feminine than society's expectations. That's the fact. Nonbinary is just a label and basing your entire personality and existence around it is hella dumb. A transgender woman is not a woman; it's a man that feels more comfortable acting as a woman. Having your priviledge to call yourself a woman, as transgender, does not infringe on your rights or your life. You are still free to act however you like
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 11:12:17 AM by thegoodperry »

Nonbinary is just a label and basing your entire personality and existence around it is hella dumb
okay but who is doing this?

what does nonbinary mean? you don't want to be a man or a woman? You don't like being held by the standards and expectations of both men and women? you don't feel comfortable in the same category as men or women?
it means i feel gender dysphoria when i express myself as either
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 11:14:40 AM by hootaloo »

btw "hootaloo you arent nonbinary" i have done a year assessment therapy at a hospital by a professional psychologist, who do you think im going to listen to, not to mention it feels right, the way i treat myself after this therapy helps a ton with the dysphoria so ????

btw "hootaloo you arent nonbinary" i have done a year assessment therapy at a hospital by a professional psychologist, who do you think im going to listen to
obviously the guy who is paid to listen to and reaffirm your delusions

obviously the guy who is paid to listen to and reaffirm your delusions
your tinfoil hat is too tight

it feels right
and how, if it happened in your country, would the definition of 'transgender' changing suddenly make you feel wrong? why is a word changing suddenly such a threat to your way of life?

like I just told you you aren't nonbinary and you're immediately defensive. I haven't judged you for your behavior, or said that how you act is wrong (it isn't, everyone is entitled to act in whichever way makes them feel comfortable). Why does that word have so much meaning?

i have said nothing about the article in OP except that its a waste of time and money for the american gov

I agree.

good thing this will never leave the bubble america lives in
I'm to assume this comment was strictly about the uselessness of the changes, rather than the content of the changes?

If you need to feel secure about your identity over what it says on a plastic card then you are mentally insane.

like I just told you you aren't nonbinary and you're immediately defensive. I haven't judged you for your behavior, or said that how you act is wrong (it isn't, everyone is entitled to act in whichever way makes them feel comfortable). Why does that word have so much meaning?
of course im defensive you think youre smarter than a professional psychologist who has spoken with me for a year, in real life, you do realize blockland forums is only the tip of the iceberg of our personal lifes? do you expect me to believe your armchair diagnosis, when you have literally stated before that you HATE transgenders

If you need to feel secure about your identity over what it says on a plastic card then you are mentally insane.
my plastic cards say M, my pronouns are he/him

of course im defensive you think youre smarter than a professional psychologist who has spoken with me for a year, in real life, you do realize blockland forums is only the tip of the iceberg of our personal lifes? do you expect me to believe your armchair diagnosis, when you have literally stated before that you HATE transgenders

I do hate transgenders, thanks for reminding me