Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Annoying Orange Administration Activates Scum Mode on transmissions  (Read 16483 times)

alright guys I can't backseat moderate this thread anymore. if you need me call 911 and ask for ron

Sounds more like your disorders are extremely mild to nonexistent if you dont need meds. Why even bother seeing someone if not for the prescription?
i do need meds and i am very often angry at my therapist for denying me them, but i fight through, this is really personal but w/e i use weed most of the time to suppress my extreme moods. they are definitely not mild, i cant express enough how my emotions are always extreme and never mild. But i could talk forever about BPD

These are two conflicting statements if your mood changes every 5 minutes you uh, you need meds lol what the forget is going on this is pure chaos
its a slight overstatement, but i do change moods very easily

I do therapy for free come talk to me hootaloo
do you charge for wrestling therapy?
Realtalk weed loving sucks
Say no to drugs brother HH

also loving yikes thats a lot for therapy but whatever helps you helps you brother

These are two conflicting statements if your mood changes every 5 minutes you uh, you need meds lol what the forget is going on this is pure chaos
Sounds more like a hormonal issue. My older sister has something similar that makes her grumpy all the time.

Sounds more like a hormonal issue. My older sister has something similar that makes her grumpy all the time.

Its bipolar

the only time I tried weed I got really nauseous so I'm never doing that again lmao

Its bipolar

*borderline personality disorder

  Office of the President of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government  Established 2018

alright guys I can't backseat moderate this thread anymore. if you need me call 911 and ask for ron
The Blockland Forums Provisional Government hereby takes the duties formerly handled by GreenBH³.

- Roulé, President of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government

Hush child, back to your playpen.

Hush child, back to your playpen.
User was banned for this post
Backseat banned for one week.

borderline and bipolar are different because borderline can basically switch as often as you can "pull" the trigger, as in as long as there is a trigger to cause a mood change, it happens, so this is like every 5 minutes or daily, it loving sucks. i struggle with angry/sad, have lots of struggles declaring whether or not someone had bad or good intent against me. i can even take positive messages as negative, i really have to triple take everything people can say

it's a miracle you manage to stay sane with a these people criticizing your life choices

do i really sound sane at this point