Maniac parents let their autistic child play VRChat with a rabid dog

Author Topic: Maniac parents let their autistic child play VRChat with a rabid dog  (Read 870 times)

Why are you clickbaiting, man, this is a precious and wholesome video

But why would anyone let their child play a game like VRChat?

Nevermind, the Uganda Knuckles have already infected her mind, it's too late for her
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 04:04:35 AM by Masterlegodude »

this was completely okay in my mind you know, letting your kid try the VR headset, but then i saw the character model she had and now my head is spinning and i am not okay with this father

What's the problem here

Even the people in the server with them were pretty chill about it

I now understand the title is in jest
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 09:05:33 AM by Deus Ex »

this is adorable, hope her parents realise what stuff people say in this game tho

I was joking. I thought this was pretty adorable too.

can't let my daughter play these mind-destroying things as it connects brainwaves to the clinton new network and brainwashes her to do things she shouldn't be told to do, like get vaccinated! what is the world coming to! #momsagainstcnn

Why is a loving toddler in VR chat.

can't let my daughter play these mind-destroying things as it connects brainwaves to the clinton new network and brainwashes her to do things she shouldn't be told to do, like get vaccinated! what is the world coming to! #momsagainstcnn

you tell em!

this is good
except for the fact that she might see some questionable things if she still plays vrchat
but this is good at the moment

i know a lot of kids with autism and downs and gotta say they’ve improved a lot since they started hanging with people id call douchebags in every other manner. any influence is better than solely the typical sheltered special-ed influence most special needs kids get