Author Topic: Reddit is an NPC cesspool  (Read 2817 times)

why the quotes around tribal facts
I thought that would be self explanatory.

Facts are not sentient, and therefore cannot hold a racial prejudice.

The only tribal facts are facts about tribals and racism, not facts that hurt feelings.

I thought that would be self explanatory.

Facts are not sentient, and therefore cannot hold a racial prejudice.

The only tribal facts are facts about tribals and racism, not facts that hurt feelings.
yeah i understand that, but the "facts" notch was referring to where blatant lies/nontruths and have been debunked pseudoscience since the 80s. in that case they are just tribal lies

yeah i understand that, but the "facts" notch was referring to where blatant lies/nontruths and have been debunked pseudoscience since the 80s. in that case they are just tribal lies
Again, just because it offended you, doesn't make it "lies" or "pseudo science."

If you're referencing the old BS that tried to say black people/Jews had tiny brains etc... That was Bs, but the iq averages don't lie. And overall IQ data points to Asians holding the highest average IQ and black people having A lower IQ on average. The key words here are 'on average'. This information can be implicative of many things, but to people who flip out and. Shout "racism" they tend to think this is being used as some justification for future opression or genocides, it's not. It's meant to point out an obvious problem, and hopefully pose solutions to it. (no not a final solution get that stuff out of your head.) First certain questions must be asked.
Why do certain racial groups hold their IQ score averages? What can be done to increase the overall average on lower average groups?
And apparrently now, how can we talk about this without being crucified?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 10:14:37 AM by Master Matthew² »

Again, just because it offended you, doesn't make it "lies" or "pseudo science."

If you're referencing the old BS that tried to say black people/Jews had tiny brains etc... That was Bs, but the overall IQ data points to Asians holding the highest average IQ and black people having A lower IQ on average. Through key words here are 'on average'. And this information can be implicative of many things, but to people who flip out and. Shout "racism" they tend to think this is being used as some justification for future opression or genocides, it's not. It's meant to point out an obvious problem, and hopefully pose solutions to it. (no not a final solution get that stuff out of your head.) First certain questions must be asked.
Why do certain racial groups hold their IQ score averages? What can be done to increase the overall average on lower average groups?
And apparrently now, how can we talk about this without being crucified?
lemme ask you a question, how do you define race? (this is part of a bigger point just answer this)

damn notch has gotten crotchety in his old age bless his heart

lemme ask you a question, how do you define race? (this is part of a bigger point just answer this)
Avoiding my response by asking another question? Alright then, fine.

Overall genetic differences that differentiate two or more groups in appearance, physical structure and other subtle genetic deviations from each other without deviating to not be classified as the same overall species.

For example dogs and cats could not be classified as  2  races of the same species, however Native Americans and Asians could be classified as 2 different races of the same species.

Overall genetic differences that differentiate two or more groups in appearance, physical structure and other subtle genetic deviations from each other without deviating to not be classified as the same overall species.

For example dogs and cats could not be classified as  2  races of the same species, however Native Americans and Asians could be classified as 2 different races of the same species.
What is the degree of differences between two people before you would classify them into two different races?

What is the degree of differences between two people before you would classify them into two different races?
Now that decision is out of my control, as my own personal decision on that would be arbitrary, and the statistics may not be in line with my position, however that does not negate the subject at hand, as most people could agree, within reason, what race a person is, and perhaps that is what the statistic is based on. But that question is one that you should consult the source on.

Again, just because it offended you, doesn't make it "lies" or "pseudo science."

If you're referencing the old BS that tried to say black people/Jews had tiny brains etc... That was Bs, but the iq averages don't lie. And overall IQ data points to Asians holding the highest average IQ and black people having A lower IQ on average. The key words here are 'on average'. This information can be implicative of many things, but to people who flip out and. Shout "racism" they tend to think this is being used as some justification for future opression or genocides, it's not. It's meant to point out an obvious problem, and hopefully pose solutions to it. (no not a final solution get that stuff out of your head.) First certain questions must be asked.
Why do certain racial groups hold their IQ score averages? What can be done to increase the overall average on lower average groups?
And apparrently now, how can we talk about this without being crucified?
thats probably because many of the black people in the world happen to live in a climatic stuffhole of a continent and can’t be properly educated, genius

thats probably because many of the black people in the world happen to live in a climatic stuffhole of a continent and can’t be properly educated, genius
Mmhmm.... That's the easy question answered.
Now the hard question, how can that be changed?

Now that decision is out of my control, as my own personal decision on that would be arbitrary, and the statistics may not be in line with my position, however that does not negate the subject at hand, as most people could agree, within reason, what race a person is, and perhaps that is what the statistic is based on. But that question is one that you should consult the source on.
So you could say that the basis of measuring someones race is somewhat arbitrary right? Someone could be of predominantly black heritage but be really light skinned because his/her mom is white or whatever.

The point I'm getting at is that race is not rigorously defined and it can't be defined to specific individual categories. Many of the studies brought up when this IQ thing is debated, are self-reported or reported by the individual taking the study, making them a tough thing to interpret.

Many of the common right wing interpretations of this data is that there is genetic differences between races that give them a predisposition for a lower IQ. This interpretation of the facts is inherently tribal because there is no scientific evidence for this, because again, race can't be defined to specific criteria.

What most of these studies do measure though, is that people that look different based on certain arbitrary characteristics that may correlate to geography (I say correlate because this is not always the case), are on average under educated. And these stats are different for every country, just because Americans that have black skin are, in general, under educated, doesn't mean people in other countries are also the same.

The cause of these disparities is debatable however, there is evidence to back up the claim that it is a product of systematic segregation or Jim Crow laws that brought widespread poverty and poor access to education to these communities in the 1960s.

My issue with bringing these things up is the implication that a specific interpretation of the facts is true without facts to back up that claim. Most people that bring up these IQ/race statistics rarely bring solutions to the table and they do so with language that implies that there's is scientific evidence to prove having black skin causes you to be dumber, when there is none. In Notchs case, he's doing it just to stir the pot and doesn't bring anything of substance to the table.

Do you see where I'm coming from? For the record I don't believe you are actually tribal or that the facts themselves are tribal, but there are some people who actually are tribal, that try to use these facts to affirm their racism. In reality, there is no scientific basis for their view.

I recommend you read some of the wikipedia page on scientifically justified racism(or at least read the sources) it really gives you a good overview of the touchiness of the issue.

since many users won't have access, here is a direct download in PDF format of the paper Matthew linked. Note it's a direct download so the PDF will instantly download to bypass ads.

• "Jensen (1998), for example, considers racial differences in IQ to be due to differences in basic intellectual ability."

• "Given these assumptions, if people vary, because of their racial identity, in the opportunity they have had to be exposed to information, than[sic] Jensen’s default hypothesis may be incorrect."

• In conclusion: "The results of the present experiments support the assumption that exposure to information, rather than intellectual ability, may account for racial differences in IQ."

(cigarettean et al. 2002)

So you could say that the basis of measuring someones race is somewhat arbitrary right? Someone could be of predominantly black heritage but be really light skinned because his/her mom is white or whatever.

The point I'm getting at is that race is not rigorously defined and it can't be defined to specific individual categories. Many of the studies brought up when this IQ thing is debated, are self-reported or reported by the individual taking the study, making them a tough thing to interpret.

Many of the common right wing interpretations of this data is that there is genetic differences between races that give them a predisposition for a lower IQ. This interpretation of the facts is inherently tribal because there is no scientific evidence for this, because again, race can't be defined to specific criteria.

What most of these studies do measure though, is that people that look different based on certain arbitrary characteristics that may correlate to geography (I say correlate because this is not always the case), are on average under educated. And these stats are different for every country, just because Americans that have black skin are, in general, under educated, doesn't mean people in other countries are also the same.

The cause of these disparities is debatable however, there is evidence to back up the claim that it is a product of systematic segregation or Jim Crow laws that brought widespread poverty and poor access to education to these communities in the 1960s.

My issue with bringing these things up is the implication that a specific interpretation of the facts is true without facts to back up that claim. Most people that bring up these IQ/race statistics rarely bring solutions to the table and they do so with language that implies that there's is scientific evidence to prove having black skin causes you to be dumber, when there is none. In Notchs case, he's doing it just to stir the pot and doesn't bring anything of substance to the table.

Do you see where I'm coming from? For the record I don't believe you are actually tribal or that the facts themselves are tribal, but there are some people who actually are tribal, that try to use these facts to affirm their racism. In reality, there is no scientific basis for their view.

I recommend you read some of the wikipedia page on scientifically justified racism(or at least read the sources) it really gives you a good overview of the touchiness of the issue.
I said my interpretation would be arbitrary, that doesn't mean a specialists interpretation would be. And as far as IQ being genetic, this is partially true, but IQ is determined by Tests, you could have a theoretical IQ of 200 but if you lack knowledge or understanding your actual test score could end up low.

• In conclusion: "The results of the present experiments support the assumption that exposure to information, rather than intellectual ability, may account for racial differences in IQ."

(cigarettean et al. 2002)

And if these articles we're biased as you stated they are, would there not be other variations putting other groups at the top? Especially considering the political climate in universities, studies like these, assuming bias, should point away from white and Asians having High IQs on average.

I said my interpretation would be arbitrary, that doesn't mean a specialists interpretation would be.
The thing is, any geneticist will agree that the definition is arbitrary. You can't just say, "all of these x genes are black people genes", because where do you draw the line? Some people could have those genes but not be black.

Let me try to give you an brown townogy, it's the free speech argument but repacked. Who draws the line on what we are allowed to say? Who draws the line of what genes are black people genes? You can always push the boundary back more and more and the classification becomes so broad it doesn't even matter.

It all comes down to people defining a race by physical characteristics and even that is so incredibly arbitrary.
And as far as IQ being genetic, this is partially true,
IIRC intelligence has been proven to be inheritable to a certain extent, there is currently no evidence for races having a lower IQ by default, just because of genetics.
And if these articles we're biased as you stated they are
no one stated they where biased?

Just look at this stuff.
There's a comment calling Notch and JonTron national socialists.
Can't make this stuff up.

listen here loving handicap.

ctrl f jontron came up with nothing.

good job gaslighting loving handicap.