Author Topic: Some guy I know molested my gf, excuse me what the forget  (Read 8763 times)

the relationship sounds super unhealthy honestly- considering how big of a deal what he did was, and the fact she STILL wants to be friends and is okay with "helping him" is a huge red flag.
 it sounds like she enjoys the attention she gets from this guy.

you should recognise how unhealthy everything is (which you've clearly already done by making this topic) and bring it up to her.

that's not fair to you especially with the "IF's" you mentioned earlier- give her some perspective from your views. No girlfriend I've had would ever tolerate something like if it the roles were reversed.

honestly may be worth considering moving on friend, your happiness and sanity is what matters in the end here.

Yeah nicely said pablo. You gotta get outta this and move on. This relationship is done for.

the relationship sounds super unhealthy honestly- considering how big of a deal what he did was, and the fact she STILL wants to be friends and is okay with "helping him" is a huge red flag.
 it sounds like she enjoys the attention she gets from this guy.

you should recognise how unhealthy everything is (which you've clearly already done by making this topic) and bring it up to her.

that's not fair to you especially with the "IF's" you mentioned earlier- give her some perspective from your views. No girlfriend I've had would ever tolerate something like if it the roles were reversed.

honestly may be worth considering moving on friend, your happiness and sanity is what matters in the end here.
She isnt his friend. The only reason she wants to help him is so that he doesnt do it to anyone else and the only reason she stays in contact is because my best friend has exams soon and Brandon will drag her down if my s/o stops talking to him. He obviously has mental problems (Hes 21 and still in his second last year of middle school) but I dont think its their problem to solve.
They both are too empathetic to ignore him and are genuinely afraid he will hurt himself.

I still dont agree with it. If the roles were reversed she even admitted she would do the same as I am now.
Im only putting up with it because of my best friend.

best of luck with the situation. sounds like he never grew up, and she cant deal with the idea with leaving him with no support. and its not like you can just put aside personal values or empathy that easily.

Hes 21 and still in his second last year of middle school
je vriendin is betast door iemand in groep 7 maar wil toch om blijven gaan met hem
of bedoel je de middelbare aka... highschool? :)

je vriendin is betast door iemand in groep 7 maar wil toch om blijven gaan met hem
of bedoel je de middelbare aka... highschool? :)
The class youre in when you normally turn 17.
best of luck with the situation. sounds like he never grew up, and she cant deal with the idea with leaving him with no support. and its not like you can just put aside personal values or empathy that easily.
I completely get that you cant but I also have personal values. I felt kinda empathetic towards him before it happened because he's getting laughed at a lot but after what happened I lost that immediately.

je vriendin is betast door iemand in groep 7 maar wil toch om blijven gaan met hem
of bedoel je de middelbare aka... highschool? :)
I bet this is some kind of communist sleeper agent code, the minute I get someone to decipher this you're dead commie.

aight brothers fukk dis pusillanimous individual talk whats the Best COD campaign

aight brothers fukk dis pusillanimous individual talk whats the Best COD campaign
BO2 has hitmarkers and create a class

aight brothers fukk dis pusillanimous individual talk whats the Best COD campaign
big red one

Hes 21 and still in his second last year of middle school)
brainlet alert

made me laugh like a madman on the bus ty for that

Wait wait wait, so your girlfriend went over to "brandon's" house even though he has repeatedly talked about loving her and being creepy?....
Then while there he feels her up good, and she still wants to be there for him?
I'm sorry bro...that ain't your girl no more :'c

I am not trying to be a richard here, or maybe I don't understand how y'all act on that side of the globe, but that just shows a huge amount of disrespect from your gf.