Author Topic: Any Discords I can Join  (Read 898 times)

I am in a pickle. I am in NO discords related to this community! I asked around, and found out clique and a lot of other ones are private. I thought I may try to ask on here and see if there are any open ones, or if I can possibly get accepted into a private one somehow.

I talk a lot when I'm not busy, like making conversation, and like to play games/get people together to play games with or talk to. So if that sounds alright, would appreciate if I can pop in

Don't ask here. Ask IRL friends and find one that matches them. Personally I just have a group chat and there's another discord related to spriting I frequent because of friends IRL and on steam

Here's a link to the discord for my server. Join it to get live updates on when my different gamemodes will be online

Don't ask here. Ask IRL friends and find one that matches them. Personally I just have a group chat and there's another discord related to spriting I frequent because of friends IRL and on steam
Not irl friend communities, I am looking for specifically communities with people I know here.

There's not gonna be much to that. Any communities full of blocklanders are either pseudo-isolationist and keep their discords on lockdown or just regular old blockland discords