Author Topic: McDonalds food chain.  (Read 3766 times)

I like their fries and burgeres and chicken nuggrests and ice cream yum!!!

mayo chicken is godly, the rest are overpriced garbage

mayo chicken is godly, the rest are overpriced garbage
no mayo is gross

what the forget is wrong with you honestly?
forget you mayo tastes like nasty i ate just one spoon of it and i threow up ew

Welcome to McDawnald's, do you want a phuckin beesechurger!?

Welcome to McDawnald's, do you want a phuckin beesechurger!?

kind of related

don't ever consider working at a mcdonalds. i thought it would be fine but holy stuff was i wrong

on top of being paid literal pocket change there are major issues that made me more and more miserable as time went on

if you're not a manager or a manager's pet you have no value to them as if they assume the right to consider how much of a human someone is

they berate you for the dumbest and most petty reasons and your smallest mistakes, even if you shouldn't be expected to know better

even if they go through so many teenage employees who quit as soon as their first day that shouldn't make them like this, all it's doing is amplifying the vicious cycle of turnover rates higher than a black hole's gravity

of course there are snobby privileged customers that you come across but you're a lot better off with them than stuff people you work with because you see them probably a time or two as opposed to almost every work day

if you think overnight is a good idea you are in for a surprise, because they will only schedule up to 4 people to do what takes normally about 20 people at daytime, and when it gets extremely busy all of you get assblasted and people wait for extended periods of time. don't even get me started on cash only

you might think the ice cream machine being inoperable is a major problem (even though no one can control it) but it's really nohingt compared to some of the other stuff they put you through, all for a stuffty minimum wage that no one can live on

tl;dr: the managers at mcdonalds expect you to be perfect and successful when they constantly set you up for failure

mcgriddles are the best thing to exist ever holy stuff

this sounds like it would be a case-by-case thing, but I can imagine it having gotten worse overtime, since managers probably don't get paid that much either

sounds like the general experience a lot of people have at fast food jobs. huge workload, pathetic wage, lots of pressure because customers are starfishs, and the workers get treated like they're expendable because "if you won't put up with it, there's someone out there who wants the job more than you"

mcgriddles are the best thing to exist ever holy stuff
a completely fresh sausage egg cheese mcgriddle with sub round egg is the best thing i have ever had there holy stuff

this thread = fuzztoast's circlejerkland