Author Topic: what did you give for christmas  (Read 1162 times)

as you have most likely seen the other thread, this is one for those of us who were able to give to others this year
even if you didn't give anything, that's ok, this thread isn't meant to shame anyone

i gave my mom a microsoft surface mouse and a hard case for it
her bf a few reusable beer caps, mini bread pans, and a coffee tumbler
my brother a couple fashion store gift cards and a new pair of work shoes
and a few fatass sharpies for a coworker because inside jokes

i gave my gf drydess discord nitro and life

these nads xd

no but fr I didn't give anything, I don't really know anybody + poor. wish I could know someone irl enough to try and give them stuff.

AKG wired bluetooth earbuds for the folks and one ATH-M50x each for my brother & sister-in-law
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 10:56:48 PM by NoZoner »

i gave a bunch of copies of garfield kart

got me dad a router, me mom some mittens and a shawl, me brother a basket full of fox stuff, and made chrimus ornaments on the scroll saw + socks that are cute as stuff for a bunch of my close friends

got my mum and sister some candles from yankee candle ( and £20 credit at my local record shop for my dad

2 copies of garfield kart (sponsored by hulk hogan)

for my mom i got a kiehl's dry skin set
for my dad i got an infused olive oil and balsamic vinegar dipping set, two different kinds of local honey, and a bottle of canadian maple syrup
for my partner i got a deluxe pre-order of ace combat 7
for me and my partner's mutual friend i got real fruit hi-chews and a box of sees suckers
for my partner's mom i got a bath and body works french baguette candle
for my bestie in college i got a blue sweater, some long cozy socks, and a batch of homemade speculoos made by yours truly
and then i gave a month subscription of nitro games to another one of my online friends who's helped support me emotionally for a while

i gave my dog a pack of candy cane bones

4 copies of the doom classic complete on steam to some friends

1 declined and i'm still waiting for my steam messages to light up with them saying "omg its not working"

only thing i gave was discord nitro to icky which he also gave to me

our family brothers broke 2 week ago

Gave a girl I'm interested in Discord Nitro, my cousins got some gift cards because they're chaotic in what they want year-by-year, my step-mom and mom got some nice candy apple lotion I found and my dad got a ITunes giftcard for his new Ipad that his fiance got him (we planned it together).