
your thoughts?


Author Topic: what should the age of consent REALLY be?  (Read 3726 times)

depends on the person tbh. some people that are 20 still have the mental capacity of a 10 year old.

i think that's why consent is directly related to autonomy but gets applied to age because age is such a huge factor in your autonomy but it's not the only factor.

If there's grass in the field play ball

you cant trick me this is a ploy to find out all the creeps on the forums

pakistan has the correct age of consent

18 for sure. except in texas.

you cant trick me this is a ploy to find out all the creeps on the forums
well if you weren't a creep you would've just said 18 or 21.................

well if you weren't a creep you would've just said 18 or 21.................
jokes on you, the real answer ?????????????????????? 32. read it and weep idioto

jokes on you, the real answer ?????????????????????? 32. read it and weep idioto
no.... it cannot be,,, the ancient texts of 32??????? how????

anyone who doesn't live as long as methuselah (longest living biblical figure, 969 years) should not legally be able to consent

Who's the OP trying to forget?