Author Topic: What’s so bad about Brickadia?  (Read 20138 times)

Wait, who's really developing brickadia
port, evar, chrisbot, zeblote, wrapperup, vitawrap, few others I think. They'll probably expand their team in the future once they flesh out and design all the important systems, but for now it's mainly the key content makers from blockland.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 02:11:46 PM by PhantOS »

port, evar, chrisbot, zeblote, wrapperup, vitawrap, few others I think. They'll probably expand their team in the future once they flesh out and design all the important systems, but for now it's mainly the key content makers from blockland.
there are some new guys in terms of asset creation but yeah

port, evar, chrisbot, zeblote, wrapperup, vitawrap, few others I think. They'll probably expand their team in the future once they flesh out and design all the important systems, but for now it's mainly the key content makers from blockland.
and arekan

Honestly, it seems alright to me so far.
I wonder if Badspot will sue the team if Blockland sales plummet after its release.

I wonder if Badspot will sue the team if Blockland sales plummet after its release.
implying blockland will be alive when brickadia releases
implying brickadia will release at all

Seeing all the familiar names in Brickadia videos makes me feel left out, but I guess it's my fault for not being too connected with the community.

I thought jam jar and MrLol were also developing?
Or doing something related to the game

how the forget do you even play brickadia in the first place i heard its private rn

how the forget do you even play brickadia in the first place i heard its private rn
atm ya gotta be invited to playtest i believe

I thought jam jar and MrLol were also developing?
Or doing something related to the game
jam has just recently started moderating and mr lol isnt really related

implying blockland will be alive when brickadia releases
implying brickadia will release at all
implying i'll be alive

Implying the world will still exist by then

Oh alright, well thanks

Anyways, now that I see that the development team is mostly content creators, I think there's more chance of success

but then again, how much possibility is there for this to actually be released as a full game? what do you guys think

but then again, how much possibility is there for this to actually be released as a full game? what do you guys think
there's no possibility for this to happen until a kickstarter is made and enough funding is pulled in. if they dont get brickadia funded it won't be finished ever. if they do start a kickstarter the goal will be between $60,000 and $100,000 and in order to reach that goal they'd need to attract backers outside the blockland community. creativity games are out of vogue so the chances of that happening are slim

if you're wondering where i pulled those numbers out of, i'm assuming that the 8ish devs would each be paid somewhere around $1600 a month which would afford them like 6-7 months of professional development on brickadia. the rest of the money would probably go to advertising or hiring freelancers to wrap up loose ends outside the dev teams control, like PR, legal and other stuff. game projects are pretty expensive because they're super time consuming and time is money, so everyone needs to be paid in order to work in a professional capacity
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 09:19:33 PM by PhantOS »

To be honest, as fun and good this game looks, I doubt it would attract many people outside of the blockland community
BL community knows what this game is about, and has a decade of experience on how to make this game fun

Something Ive seen from youtubers that have tried the game, is that they get a bad first impression of blockland, they get bored, reason why they don't come back
I feel like BL is a special game, whose appeal is for few people, and unattractive for the majority of gamers