Author Topic: NEWS: Discord is about to get hammered because of the degenerate furry fandom  (Read 11143 times)

is there a profile to racerboy or something

its been too long since a good old fashioned creep purge, too bad that requires users actually getting close to eachother to siphon information

my conclusion? the blf hating eachother is encouraging creepphilic activity

i rest my case brother HH

police help me
(This person found me from the windows 10 discord btw.)

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It's in the news now
i'd say it's time for a revolution and take back the platform

i'd say it's time for a revolution and take back the platform

is there a profile to racerboy or something
I remember him giving me Adventurepack and Modernwarbattles as a ploy to skypecall him with my camera on, I never did though.