Author Topic: Celau - bear with me here  (Read 27893 times)

haha......i would lovefor knuckles to stick his enormous echina rooster in my butt.... the spines on his monster richard pricking the edge of my starfish with each thrust, cleaning my star fish  from the inside out.... As a joke tho lol

wtf knuckles is gay?
Drydess can you stop infecting people with AIDS already

ill send you pennies in the mail so you can buy your stuff burger

actually i need that in robux please

I brought that up to make the point that you take to other forms of reaching people to continue your arguments, here you are proving that again. Don't take this out of context man.
I'm not saying it's unfair, I'm saying it's pointless. And I have had stake here, I've posted in this topic a few times.
you are the one that is taking it out of context. "other forms to continue arguments"???. I told you 5 times, people were complaining in the thread about our argument, so I went to Discord, this is normal behavior so you don't clutter a thread with off-topic posts? We made 5 pages of posts in that thread, you realize this???

mr bones you cant keep pretending you arent reading this

you are the one that is taking it out of context. "other forms to continue arguments"???. I told you 5 times, people were complaining in the thread about our argument, so I went to Discord, this is normal behavior so you don't clutter a thread with off-topic posts? We made 5 pages of posts in that thread, you realize this???

mr bones you cant keep pretending you arent reading this
Yeah and I blocked you because I clearly did not want to talk to you, and yes you are a fan of continuing arguments that are dead; you're doing it right now. You also proved my point when you took to some random discord to flame Vigil, which he posted proof of you doing. Take a hint and forget off you mental defective.

Yeah and I blocked you because I clearly did not want to talk to you
then why did you continue on the forum literally 10 minutes later??

You also proved my point when you took to some random discord to flame Vigil, which he posted proof of you doing.
you dont even know anything about me and vigil nor what goes on in that "random discord"

this is like watching old men wrestle

sorry but you didn't mention how he never actually admits to anything being his fault and accuses literally anyone but himself of issues that occurred bc of his actions

But he left like a week ago
I honestly think he'll either be back in a week or 2 months

this is like watching old men wrestle
do u have popcorn i need it for watching this

I honestly think he'll either be back in a week or 2 months
he's already back anyhow

he hasnt been on the forums but hes mostly richarding around on bl servers and in the blg chat

ugly ass letters ass brothers