
Does he?

23 (79.3%)
6 (20.7%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Author Topic: Does Lord Tony make a lot of typos?  (Read 2637 times)

1. you can change your avatar again
2. tony is like: hello welcome to tshi tpoic

1. you can change your avatar again
2. tony is like: hello welcome to tshi tpoic


Is this forum full of grammar national socialists? Probably.

Hey, @Badspot, make a new rule making improper gramnar bannable.

Hey, @Badspot, make a new rule making improper gramnar bannable.
User was banned for pinging Badspot.

Is this forum full of grammar national socialists? Probably.
Badspot is a national socialist zombie, so it only makes sense that his forum is full of national socialists too

Is this forum full of grammar national socialists? Probably.

Please do not derail the thread.

He does it on purpose just to complain about grammar national socialists to give himself that sweet sweet victim angle.
Obviously, it's our fault for pointing it out. All posts are derail or belong in drama, amiright fellas?? #tinythread #{news] #lockmytopics

itt; obvious troll gets exposed

Why is this not in drana?