Do you need a tetanis shot every 10 years?? is a scratch enough?

Author Topic: Do you need a tetanis shot every 10 years?? is a scratch enough?  (Read 631 times)

so Im told tetstar fish shots last 30 years not 10 years.

So do you really need a tetstar fish shot after 10 years?

Also can you get a tetstar fish from a tiny little scratch?

no one wants to see your tits or your star fish tony

tony is gonna die of tetstar fish thts why hes askign

no one wants to see your tits or your star fish tony

No where was tit mentioned anywhere.

you clearly misspelled the title right

you clearly misspelled the title right

Why you de railing the thread for this?

here we go again for the 17th time

according to what i can find online, it lasts 10 years so they recommend to retake it every 10 years

It's every 10 years or so, it can last a bit longer maybe half a year after that, but it's really recommended that you get a booster shot after 10.

ummm m... actually vaccines cause autisms so.....dont get titaneus shoets