Author Topic: redconer being a friend and bans me for no reason  (Read 8830 times) I was just having fun and he bans me and accused me of "exploiting".

you literally had a tank in every match wtf are you on about

Quite tough coming from someone who exploited through the map and grabbed a tank every round.  It only took Apak to come back and admin me for me to punish you.

holy forget you are just the most touchy unbearable useless tool here betamax

You could at least give context to this "drama" (i.e. garbage) for more credibility. Right now it just seems like you're mad because you got a (probably justified) ban.

You could at least give context to this "drama" (i.e. garbage) for more credibility. Right now it just seems like you're mad because you got a (probably justified) ban.
he was on apak's prison escape server and used multiple exploits to forget up the round for everyone and eventually got slammed for his evil ways

@badspot when you gonna patch movefoward exploit plz

support but only because i have no idea who redconer is other than he is rude to me

he was on apak's prison escape server and used multiple exploits to forget up the round for everyone and eventually got slammed for his evil ways
Live like a bitch, die like a bitch.

Live like a bitch, die like a bitch.
i remember when mario said that in mario kart

imagine cheating then dramaing the person who banned you

/support i dont understand how this fat forget redconer can just sit back and munch on his lasagna all while abusing the poor citizens of blockland. this madmam must be stopped

you’ve dramad the wrong asian fella