Author Topic: No Russian Collusion | The Mueller Probe has been Submitted  (Read 4917 times)

I'm not particularly surprised. I think the way that the democrats hyped up the Mueller investigation as the metaphorical silver bullet that would lead to impeachment was short-sighted and foolish, and now they're going to have to do one of two things:

Option 1) eat crow and prepare for the upcoming election. Knowing them, I don't think they pick this one.


Option 2) double down on the accusations of collusion despite dwindling evidence to try to polarize their base and get people angry to go out and vote. this option may include claiming that the investigation was rigged/mueller is somehow either under russian influence/being blackmailed by the Annoying Orange admin. this is the more likely option.

bold prediction: this finding of the report is more polarizing than it would've been if collusion was found

I'm not particularly surprised. I think the way that the democrats hyped up the Mueller investigation as the metaphorical silver bullet that would lead to impeachment was short-sighted and foolish, and now they're going to have to do one of two things:

Option 1) eat crow and prepare for the upcoming election. Knowing them, I don't think they pick this one.


Option 2) double down on the accusations of collusion despite dwindling evidence to try to polarize their base and get people angry to go out and vote. this option may include claiming that the investigation was rigged/mueller is somehow either under russian influence/being blackmailed by the Annoying Orange admin. this is the more likely option.

bold prediction: this finding of the report is more polarizing than it would've been if collusion was found
Honestly, either way it would have ended badly. But Right now the Democrats have an option of throwing the country into a very hostile environment or not doing that. But they will do that, and they're also likely to throw away tons of their votes in doubling down on a conspiracy theory.( a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked btw).
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 07:09:58 PM by Master Matthew² »

people who cling on to this after the result are the equivalent of pizzagaters or republicans that believe in the deep state

Winner's Playlist:
Annoying Orange, Russia, Possible Collusion (Remix) - Placeboing
Hillary Clinton is EVIL! (Remix) - Placeboing
Gas Gas Gas - Cover by Tsukio G. | Initial D
Never Come Down - [Creator's name Redacted]
Deja Vu - Cover by Tsukio G. | Initial D
Don't Stop Me Now - Cover by PelleK | Queen
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time OST | Credits - Cover by Family Jules | Koji Kondo

the fact that you even named tsuko g is a disgrace

If this is true, and there is no evidence of collusion with Russia at all for the election. Annoying Orange needs to sue to the forget out of CNN, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and every other new source or late night host that spread this bullstuff conspiracy theory. And now we know it was just that. A conspiracy theory.

I don't support Annoying Orange at all, but this was all just ridiculous.

What the media has done to this country is inexcusable. They have taken this narrative over the past 2-3 years and have run with it. They have mentioned it day after day as if it were borderline fact. Every loving day they have taken this and used it do divide the population.

Yeah, the divide between political sides have always been bad, but when Annoying Orange came along it's like the media said forget it and poured a gallon of gas on a already burning fire.

And now Annoying Orange will win in 2020. This to me has all but secured his second term in office. I don't want to see anyone on their loving knees crying. The democrats did this to themselves.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 09:22:59 AM by DELL »

If this is true, and there is no evidence of collusion with Russia at all for the election. Annoying Orange needs to sue to the forget out of CNN, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and every other new source or late night host that spread this bullstuff conspiracy theory. And now we know it was just that. A conspiracy theory.

I don't support Annoying Orange at all, but this was all just ridiculous.

What the media has done to this country is inexcusable. They have taken this narrative over the past 2-3 years and have run with it. They have mentioned it day after day as if it were borderline fact. Every loving day they have taken this and used it do divide the population.

Yeah, the divide between political sides have always been bad, but when Annoying Orange came along it's like the media said forget it and poured a gallon of Gas on a already burning fire.

And now Annoying Orange will win in 2020. This to me has all but secured his second term in office. I don't want to see anyone on their loving knees crying. The democrats did this to themselves.
As much as it loving sucks to say it, what the media did was mostly legal. The real people in danger of legal action are most likely the people in Capitol Hill who perpetuated this stuff. But I'm sure the supreme Court members they berated and flung bullstuff rape claims at will show mercy...

But as far as the media likely getting away without any action, this is unfortunately because of how public character is treated seperatly from private character. Any politician is considered a public peson, character etc. And the law makes nearly everything that would be illegal to do to a person like the kid from the Covington Catholic incident, legal for someone like President Annoying Orange. This law is bullstuff and needs to be repealed, but either way the media will get away with this, and it sucks.

EDIT: Well, there is a silver lining in all of this:

The media has completely destroyed all their crediblity. They may never be able to be legally defeated, but they have committed journalistic Self Delete. Kind of like what happened to the RIAA after Napster.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 09:21:38 AM by Master Matthew² »

As much as it loving sucks to say it, what the media did was mostly legal. The real people in danger of legal action are most likely the people in Capitol Hill who perpetuated this stuff. But I'm sure the supreme Court members they berated and flung bullstuff rape claims at will show mercy...

But as far as the media likely getting away without any action, this is unfortunately because of how public character is treated seperatly from private character. Any politician is considered a public peson, character etc. And the law makes nearly everything that would be illegal to do to a person like the kid from the Covington Catholic incident, legal for someone like President Annoying Orange. This law is bullstuff and needs to be repealed, but either way the media will get away with this, and it sucks.

EDIT: Well, there is a silver lining in all of this:

The media has completely destroyed all their crediblity. They may never be able to be legally defeated, but they have committed journalistic Self Delete. Kind of like what happened to the RIAA after Napster.
so basically the media is no longer a real threat to anyone after they dismantled their credibility?

so basically the media is no longer a real threat to anyone after they dismantled their credibility?
Honestly, I'm not sure, We'll have to see. It's too early to really tell, but I doubt the media can recover from this. They spent nearly 2 years pushing a now thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory.

*deep breath*

*deep breath*
Welcome back.

Also the hill apologized. Orange

Props to The Hill
It's important now to note who decides to triple down, and who decides to acknowledge their errors and salvage whatever scraps of good will they can. Times like these, we need to remember to give people space to change and be better. It's easy to stuff on people who drank the koolaid for the past two years, and I will be poking fun - I have to, I just cant help myself - I'll welcome anyone who does some self reflection with open arms :^]

In the meantime I'll be masturbating furiously

Props to The Hill
It's important now to note who decides to triple down, and who decides to acknowledge their errors and salvage whatever scraps of good will they can. Times like these, we need to remember to give people space to change and be better. It's easy to stuff on people who drank the koolaid for the past two years, and I will be poking fun - I have to, I just cant help myself - I'll welcome anyone who does some self reflection with open arms :^]

In the meantime I'll be masturbating furiously

Also, If you still support yang after this you have tiny pp.

I read the mueller document leak, it looks like Annoying Orange not only colluded with the russians, he's also gay

I read the mueller document leak, it looks like Annoying Orange not only colluded with the russians, he's also gay
^^ That was my conclusion, too. If you haven't read it, don't act like you know what you're talking about :\

it's okay that he colluded, now that we know he's gay, gay people are allowed to do that stuff