Author Topic: Tom Spitz  (Read 4116 times)

Someone just showed him this thread. He's reading it now.

He has Fun Commands so I cloaked and minimized myself then used that pass-through-walls glitch. His base is terrible.

Haha thats exacly what i did. I cloaked myself and shrunk and he had some opening in his dumb little "base" and i climbed in and started shooting rockets to get his attention. Instead of perma banning people for going in his stupid base he should close it off so nobody exept him can get in.

As badspot said, if you don't want people doing something on your server it should be impossible. Rules are childish. And if you don't know how to script and make it impossible, then get off your ass and learn to script. (being directed to Tom Spitz)

Oh and DoorMan how did he react to it? >=)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 11:27:02 PM by Hellriot »

Someone just showed him this thread. He's reading it now.

He has Fun Commands so I cloaked and minimized myself then used that pass-through-walls glitch. His base is terrible.

Duh, I just said that, it was me.
Hehehehe, I told him just to piss him off. =D

Oh man i know hes an ass but i feel bad now. I just ruined that guys rep. :panda:

Oh man i know hes an ass but i feel bad now. I just ruined that guys rep. :panda:

What rep? His ID is 4441!

No i mean even if hes new now people are going to join his server and probably leave to not risk getting banned for some stupid reason. But its fine now that i look at it, This was more like a warning to players. =)

He thought I was the best at building, I made a bank and a gun shop, then furnished his base and he gave me super admin

why dont this guy just get off blockland? sorry for double post

OMFG look at this. I swear if this guy ever joins my server instant, perma ban.

Tom Spitz Banned Dark Lord (ID: 1780) For 5 Minutes - "DONT STEAL MY PARTNERS"
Was the partner, I dunno, Delinquint? Hes like obsessed with him

Yeah he like loves me

That part right theres where you should back stab him. Pray to god he didn't save his bricks and just clear them all when he bans someone for going into that stupid base of his.

That part right theres where you should back stab him. Pray to god he didn't save his bricks and just clear them all when he bans someone for going into that stupid base of his.

Warn me when he's on again. I really wanna... 'meet' this guy.

I'll go design a new spam uniform.

I don't see his server up right now. But I'm keeping a lookout for it. Oh and I spammed his server with bricks as soon as I knew the guy was an ass. I went outside the kitchen and built a stack of bricks taller than the house. I don't know if he cleared them but the whole time I was in the room he didn't even bother to look at how many bricks the players had built.

Yeah you will HAEB to tell me when he is on

I haven't seen his server up for a while. Maybe he knows people might not join his server to build, just to make fun of him so he can perma ban every single player in BlockLand. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy came from roblox.

I am sorry too, for tell him. Now that he knows he probly ran to him mom crying and screaming, "Mommy, mommy! Thos bad peple on blawkland are being mean to meh!!11" Again, sorry guys. :panda:

I don't think he'd be the type to cry to his mom with the way he talked. He would probably say, "Mom those fu**ing BL friends wont shut the fu** up! They can suck my pickle! Ill ban them all!!!!!". That fits his character right?

Every second your in his server you would see this on the chat:
Dont panda around or ill ban you

Excuse the language. I'm just trying to make an imitation.

I'm locking this. I think he now he knows not to ban every freaking blockland player he sees. =P
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 03:27:49 PM by Hellriot »