Author Topic: Help with DayCycle Events?  (Read 1446 times)

I have a mod in which you can event stuff with daycycles. It has stuff like CondCheck or something like that for Dawn, Dusk, Midnight, Midday, etc. And then it has OnDayCycleMidday, etc. or something like that.

How can I make streetlights that work with this? During the day they are off and at night they are on.

I tried something once but when I reloaded the lights/used the New Duplicator on them, they stop working.

I have traffic lights with a brick that I click once everytime I load up the lights or add in new ones.

Maybe something like that? Maybe on the same brick?

Want them to turn off at dawn and on at dusk.

OnDayCycleDusk or whatever > self > cancelEvents?

something like start the relay loop in the evening, and cancel it in the morning?

Don't know what you mean.

A. in the evening start the loop
B. in the morning stop the loop

Well I'm not good at relays.

Maybe give me an event list? Let's say the lights are all named "streetlights".

didn't we set it up so one brick was controlling all the lights?

Yeah. Like I said, maybe event it to add onto that same brick. Then again, would that add on to the whole Too Many Relays thing? If I have a ton of street lights (I guarantee I'll have more street lights than traffic lights) that might also throw it off?

if you have too many light bricks to change them in unison like you want, you either need to up the event quota or stagger the lights