Author Topic: My dog has passed away..  (Read 1685 times)

Yesterday he got very sick, we weren't sure why but he was puking and having diarrhea constantly, we gave him a few medications hoping that he would get better but..., today in the morning he got even worse, we brought him to the vet but he coudn't take it.. he passed away a few hours ago, I've been crying all the time, even writing this topic right now and my chest is hurting, he lived for 15 years, he was an adorable Yorkshire terrier and his name was Toby, oh God... I'm sorry but the feeling of loosing him was one of the worst I've ever felt, I still can't believe that he died.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 03:12:56 PM by Filipe »

Sorry to hear man, did the vets say what caused it at all? Sounds like he got bit by something nasty. :(

Sorry to hear man, did the vets say what caused it at all? Sounds like he got bit by something nasty. :(
He was having a lot of symptons at once, they say that due to his age it was common to have heart and neurological problems, which he was also having.

sorry to hear that, guess i'm fortunate enough to have 2 cats that died peacefully. sucks that our pets live much shorter lives than us :(
hope you feel better soon

aw no that's a horrible feeling :c you have my sympathy

i feel sorry for this, ive lost many cats and its just a huge blow to your life. i really hope you're able to accept it for what it is and not let it affect your life negatively

do you think you could share some of the best pics youve taken of him? its fine if you don't, but i like to remember loved ones/pets when they were at their best instead of their worst

That sounds horrible, i'm sorry for your loss :(

At least they got to live a long and happy life with you and your folks

I'm really sorry to hear about that. It's nice that he got to live a long life with you and your family though.

aw man, im sorry. just remember that toby got to live a long and prosperous life, unlike a lot of pets.

Your dog was probably very lucky to have an owner like you. Not many animals get that chance.

hey man sorry to hear about this. i just recently had my dog put down (zoe ,if you guys remember lmao) literally RIGHT on my birthday.

around christmas time my dog was really not feeling too well. same symptoms as your dog, but she had a hard time breathing, eating, and generally wanted to be left alone. it was sad man, i didn't hear that dog bark the day she was about to be put down, i didn't expect to lose her that quick. she was only 10 years old, but a damn good dog in my book.

the weird part is my family really felt terrible because that was my sisters favorite dog, so they ended up adopting a shelter dog. i was totally against it, but man this dog is awesome so far.

Aww I'm sorry, it's horrible to lose a pet :panda:

Aw noooo, my condolences dude. :( It’s totally okay to feel sad through this time, hope things get better for you Filipe!