Author Topic: Unhealthy goose obsession  (Read 967 times)

Guys I love geese. they are just so cute. I drive past them every day and i am glad to see cute little fluffy bird bellies. Like wow that is a cute animal

i was afraid this was gonna be a furry thread but no its just cute

yes geese can be super cute
they can also be honking flying missiles of pain if u piss the bigger ones off

ive heard of stories of geese chasing people for miles and trying to kill them

There's a pond by my apartment and like 3 geese set up nests and laid eggs and now there's like a dozen baby geese running around.

I like the video of a goose going for a fisher's dog and the guy just grabs the forgeter by the neck.

but i agree that geese are cute

geese are forgetin nasty

when i was 7-8 me and my friendos went up to a female goose to feed it some bread until some big ass male chased us around

tbh if a goose attacked me i would just deliver a haymaker straight to its big squawking starfish of a beak

i've declared a private war on the geese of the world

No thanks. Geese are evil. I'd like to keep my eyes.

this a shoutout to the bird that lives above my window and the two swans that have been living next to my house for the past 3 years