
Author Topic: -  (Read 2403 times)

Doesn't claiming one group is superior or "better" in this case, to the other just instantly make you a bigot?
depends on what characteristic you define you are better as

for example would you say someone saying they are better than someone else because of their race is a bigot? yeah probably.
but if someone says they are better than someone else because he doesn't kill people, then nah hes not a bigot, hes just right lol

matthew is not in the business of politics. he obviously knows how much of a reaction this will illicit. i think he has a psychological issue where he always has to be at/direct conflict towards a opposing side. there is never any true resolution in his mind, he is not interested in actually solving a problem. it’s like those people who bitch about problems in democracies but never actually vote or contribute them selves in anything politically substantial 
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 02:33:58 PM by Damp »