Author Topic: pride decade 202x thread  (Read 123946 times)

Well if you don't want surgery then you're not really trans are you? Just a transtrender or a confused cis person who thinks they need to fit in instead of accepting their feminine/masculine traits as a man/woman

And the richard is effectively destroyed so turning it inside out is the same deal, be as pedantic as you'd like the point stands
surgery is not required to be considered trans
socially transitioning and taking hormones still counts

some people are unable to get surgery or hormones due to reasons; that doesn't make them not trans

socially transitioning just means everyone else has to cater to your mental illness, that's not a solution

also taking hormones wont undo puberty + yrs of bathing in estrogen/testosterone

also taking hormones wont undo puberty + yrs of bathing in estrogen/testosterone
female puberty does basically nothing and Testosterone Is A Helluva Drug so it kinda does "undo" it in the case of FTM

fat & muscle redistribution gets rid of curves and causes masculine body + face shape. voice deepening, facial hair, body hair, and balding/hair thinning are all permanent. periods stop, vaginal mucus lining atrophies, clitoris grows into a funky little mini-peen. literally the only "female" part left is the actual reproductive organs and underlying bone structure.

[im][/img] [im][/img]
"man and women"
guys.............. we got him .

just gone to google it's costing people thousand of dollars just to get a snake WTF you could buy a car with the money

cis people wouldn't even consider transitioning. they don't think "i wish i somehow woke up as [opposite love]" or feel jealous of the opposite love's physical characteristics.
cis women are disgusted by the thought of growing facial or body hair. that's why there's an entire industry dedicated to hair-removal products for women.

the trans slippery slope argument doesn't work. acceptance and visibility of transgender people doesn't make genuinely cis people trans; it only helps people who already trans in the first place recognize the signs.

I have received a new transmission:

The people who profit off transgender reassignment surgery have OFFICIALLY declared that reassignment surgery is good for the mentally disadvantaged and easily manipulated youth. Torfs have never been more BTFO than right now.
how do you buy off the peer-reviewed medical community so i can fake support for *checks notes* people who want to be themselves

you guys really need to try harder to troll like this is pathetic at this point, every few days there's a new alt account that shows up here to spew some weird pseudo-religious bullstuff on how homoloveuality is degenerate. i much prefer debating flat earthers tbh

*sweeps all the teenagers who admitted they felt manipulated and coerced to make dangerous decisions with their body by the transgender community resulting in lasting negative mental effects under the rug*

Yup... this HRT really be hittin' different today
until you legitimately bring up peer-reviewed studies that show a mass amount of trans-youth are regretting transition, all you are presenting is anecdotal evidence

Well they clearly fooled you, so what's so hard to believe? It's not like it's the craziest thing the medical industry pulled off.
so you are telling me hundreds of medical professionals from around the world that have published and verified papers and research, and all of them have no relationship to each other whatsoever, are all payed off by soros to get my son to chop off his snake so they can make money?

female puberty does basically nothing and Testosterone Is A Helluva Drug so it kinda does "undo" it in the case of FTM

fat & muscle redistribution gets rid of curves and causes masculine body + face shape. voice deepening, facial hair, body hair, and balding/hair thinning are all permanent. periods stop, vaginal mucus lining atrophies, clitoris grows into a funky little mini-peen. literally the only "female" part left is the actual reproductive organs and underlying bone structure.


99% of trans people will never pass. They don't have the money. You see people flaunt these Brazilian trans models like hey look! it can be done! Yeah? How much did those procedures cost him? Bet he still has to tuck in his rooster when he walks on the stage. FOH lol

fat and muscle redistribution won't get rid of the natural curvature of your bone structure, it'll wont change your jawline, your voice will still contain just enough twinge to come off as feminine (haven't seen a single transman that doesn't sound like a chick) and what're you gonna do then? Sew up your cunt? lol this is just sad man come on

until you legitimately bring up peer-reviewed studies that show a mass amount of trans-youth are regretting transition, all you are presenting is anecdotal evidence
so you are telling me hundreds of medical professionals from around the world that have published and verified papers and research, and all of them have no relationship to each other whatsoever, are all payed off by soros to get my son to chop off his snake so they can make money?

Medical professionals are some of the worst scientists to get data from based on the current problems facing the scientific community

Well they clearly fooled you, so what's so hard to believe? It's not like it's the craziest thing the medical industry pulled off.
Have you ever sat down for 30 seconds and questioned something that was passed down to you by an authority? It can be scary, but try it some time.

–A 15-year-old

Medical professionals are some of the worst scientists to get data from based on the current problems facing the scientific community
i'm aware of the replication crCIA my dude, but you have admittedly never been in the scientific community, it would be a massive paper to write if you could disprove someone else and everyone is incessantly trying to disprove everyone else

in 10 years time, if there is a lot more research that revindicates your point of view then it will be so, but for now, some evidence is better than no evidence.

you are saying the equivalent of: "lets throw out ALL of science because some of it might be wrong" this is incredibly anti-intellectual

"Potatoes are good for your health"
- Potato farmer
yes, keep believing your one source online that tells you the jews run everything, ill stick to my community of entirely independent research organizations and individuals that are experts in their field and have cross-validated and reproduced their studies and transparently publish their methodology

No its more like, I'm not going take any evidence at face value cause p much every time I click on some "scientific" bullstuff the methodology is forgeted from the jump

Like you don't need to be a scientist to know some research is bunk based solely on the figures (1 in 5 women get raped in college, wage gap bullstuff, etc etc)

Another example, unrelated to here: some handicap on reddit tried to link me to this research saying owing a gun made you more likely to be shot. Upon immediate inspection I noticed several things: these shootings took place in Philadelphia, there was a total of 300ish shootings, and yet they tried to apply this model to the rest of the states. handicaps just google "i am right dot com" and take the first thing they can to confirm their bias. It's why I don't bother linking anything anymore myself. What would be the point? You can just as easily find data that contradicts what I sent. Because it's all probably bullstuff on some level, because the scientific community is forgeted to hell and back with politics, just like everything else!

deus ex outs himself as anti intellectual in a single post

you’re literally saying the science well is poisoned so nothing can be taken at face value. then what can be taken at face value? scientific articles you agree with, or on topics you dont care about? all of them? or none at all?