Blockland Forums > Modification Help

Moving Platform

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i wonder if using zones and applied force would be smoother than updating transforms manually

Stream found a dependancy error.  Ill fix that tomorrow.

Im not really intending to expand on this until ive got something i want to make using the tech.  But the next step would be to attach a platform like this to a vehicle.

Physics zones are not supposed to move.  You may get jitter from client prediction if you use applied force.

We had moving platforms like this implemented with vehicles, selective ghost updates, and replicating the player movement surface walking function to detect whoever was on the vehicle. Through selective ghost updates we could make players warp while you observed the vehicle and force a teleleport when riding. This was needed because when riding, the vehicle object needed to appear rigidly updated as your player object does not get the nice interpolation other players get. I'm intrigued by using physical zones as a way around this but that sounds like a headache for nonlinear motion and could fall victim to whatever prediction would like to do instead, lest a gap in server updates occurs or similar.

To make vehicles float and interpolate smoothly, only a few flags need to be set to trick the client into doing so. The rest is collision testing, math, and ghosting the right data to the right people. With this we had some cool boat mechanics for a TDM although it was laggy as all hell as expected.

Found missing dependency for function "eulerToAxis" in Weapon_Package_Complex/bullets.cs
OP is updated.

Punished Rally:

--- Quote from: CompMix on June 18, 2019, 12:33:22 AM ---

--- End quote ---

Is this was is/was being used on Heed's pirate TDM?


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