
Favorite Canadian band?

2 (33.3%)
Tragically Hip
0 (0%)
1 (16.7%)
0 (0%)
other (So many awesome bands to list)
3 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: July 02, 2019, 01:33:35 AM

Author Topic: Happy Canada day  (Read 2492 times)

I know I'm dead I just have one other more post up my sleeve and then my autistic ass is gone and done. But also it's Canada day. Get out your Tim Horton's, crank up your Rush albumns up to 11, and power up your Beaumont.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 02:24:15 AM by BurnoutGT24 »

List of pretty darn cool stuff we made

Tim Horton's
Bricklin SV-1
Scott Pilgrim
The good NFS games
5 pin bowling
Canada Dry
Those awesome Teletoon bumpers
Paintrollers (Best weapons in Splatoon)
Sleeping Dogs
Dodge Challengers (We build these forgeters)
ModNation Racers
The right to own Kinder Eggs and R34 Skylines
The Money for Nothing music video
Sneedsons Hit and Run
Fugget about it
Terrance and Philip
Super Neptunia RPG
Crash Canyon
Tragically Hip
Getting rid of useless pennies
Smoke's Poutine
Maple Syrup
Dead Rising 2

And so much more
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 03:25:19 PM by BurnoutGT24 »

Teletoon does Johnny Test 24/7 so it really, REALLY should not qualify as something cool from Canada.

Honestly this place is just regret and the worst weather to ever exist. Come to Quebec for these exciting weather features:
Temperature depending on region ranges from Permafrost to Blast Furnace
Winter has so much snow that you might aswell just invest in a flamethrower
Summer rains more than Britain. Like, storms each 2 days?
Humidity so high that it becomes difficult to even breathe.

Also Ubisoft is from here and every single person in the province is a Weeb. That last one isnt even a joke. There's a reason as to why you can find a sushi place every two meters. So you know, two bombs certainly werent even close to enough.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 01:21:25 AM by CRITAWAKETS »

Teletoon does Johnny Test 24/7 so it really, REALLY should not qualify as something cool from Canada.
I kinda like Johnny Test and I respect your opinion but yeah I agree that they need to stop those loving re-runs. Tho their bumpers are forgetin' awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQzoxcEv77c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFPeLEz5yo0&t=248s

Also I like the cold too. Sometimes even more than the summer.

And also I see nothing wrong with being a weeb. At least anime doesn't force it's political agenda down your throat. Also Japan is my favorite country.

Also Ubisoft was founded in Montreuil, France you bloody hoser.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 01:34:43 AM by BurnoutGT24 »

wheres insulin and canadarm on that list

wheres insulin and canadarm on that list
Up and running. Suggestions are strongly encouraged on the list to show our awesomeness.

forget Canada.
Don't say that. Every insult toward Canada will wake up that one baby thing.


can we add the forced assimilation and genocide of native and french speaking peoples to the list

I changed my mind about Canada forget you guys i'm cancelling my road trip

as a fellow Canadian I can clarify that all the stereotypes are true

I've noticed that the list is missing Cretons, although that is understandable as that is really only a thing in Quebec and not a lot of people are fan of what is basically just putting an entire pig in a blender.

But you are also missing Timbits, and that is just inexcusable. You also are missing Warframe on the list.

I've noticed that the list is missing Cretons, although that is understandable as that is really only a thing in Quebec and not a lot of people are fan of what is basically just putting an entire pig in a blender.

But you are also missing Timbits, and that is just inexcusable. You also are missing Warframe on the list.
Timbits are apart of the Tim Hortons part of the list

I've noticed that the list is missing Cretons, although that is understandable as that is really only a thing in Quebec and not a lot of people are fan of what is basically just putting an entire pig in a blender.

But you are also missing Timbits, and that is just inexcusable. You also are missing Warframe on the list.
inject cretons directly into my bloodstream

dead risin 2?

canada dry?

eyup p cool