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[DLL] Rendering Optimization Experiments

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Hello, I'm releasing the rendering optimization DLL I've been working on the last several weeks. It includes a few fixes to improve rendering performance and a *disabled* complete custom brick renderer.

Some exciting screenshots to start us off:

Check out that FPS boost!

So, to briefly outline the fixes, let's discuss the issues. The first issue is Blockland does not frustum cull objects during the shadow map generation pass(es). This means the entire scene will be rendered up to four times even if the shadow cascades are small! This is where the primary FPS increase comes from. The second issue is Blockland uses a bad heuristic to compute the orthographic projection (object to light space) matrix size when doing shadow maps, which greatly overestimates the size they need to be, causing more brick batches to needlessly be rendered even if they're culled against the frustum. Finally, Blockland uses an old frustum culling algorithm which is only mostly correct. Since it culls large objects (octree nodes), it falls victim to the issues discussed on this website: These issues are all fixed with this DLL! Warning: shadow cascade overlaps are forced to be ten percent of the z distance of the previous cascade because of these fixes. Some custom shaders will break unless fixed themselves.

Happy rendering!

Update for new version: Includes occlusion queries. You will have to enable the custom renderer to take advantage of it though.

Source: (github)


i suggested this on a whim and val actually loving carries through

this is crazy stuff

you are a goddamned wizard

i dont understand a godamn part of it but it looks cool


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