What were your favorite servers that you miss to this day?

Author Topic: What were your favorite servers that you miss to this day?  (Read 9789 times)

Just think about what servers haven't been hosted in X months/years that you wish you could play right now.

Honestly for me, I'd love some classic Diggy's Metropolis, and some Wizzard's [SS] Dogfight with the small islands and the 2 giant aircraft carriers.

Whats his face's TDM/Dogfights. I forgot his name. Started with an "H" I believe.

Also miss Gravity Cat's TDM's with all his experimental mods.

Victory's zombie survival
Almost every old throwmod server
Edit: Also the older version of Nails' Jail Escape
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 07:30:25 PM by Nigel The Protagonist »

Zapk's Rising Lava (2013-2015ish)
NWB/AoB's community servers

Electrk and Plastiware's pirate forgetaround, such a charming and fun server

Electrk and Plastiware's pirate forgetaround, such a charming and fun server

anything hosted by gravity cat but mostly his gsf map tdms

and obligatory bluzone

Jorgur's dogfight on the slopes and honestly Port's marioware gamemode was really fun too

I can't remember the name but it was this odd prison escape (like Tezuni's) that had a main room that was square, there was also an execution room that contained a cage where the guards had to manically click buttons to remove 1x1f's to kill the person by making them fall into lava.

I think the host's name started with P?

Electrk and Plastiware's pirate forgetaround, such a charming and fun server