forget summer and flys

Author Topic: forget summer and flys  (Read 1760 times)

/title, I had to kill and sweep up 12 of these loving things and it's like when I killed one another would pop up. And I hear one right now but I can't see it, please send tips on how to kill flys because the room I'm in has enough raid to make Riddler proud

edit: holy stuff they dont stop coming
edit: bye bye flys
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 02:51:26 PM by YouKnowWhoAgain »

Put up flypaper in populated areas

boy u really live a life of thrills and nonstop excitement dont you

do the water in plastic bag thing. Apparently it does a good job

Idk how but I might've gotten all of them

boy u really live a life of thrills and nonstop excitement dont you
I wish

do the water in plastic bag thing. Apparently it does a good job
I'm sorry, what?

I've had to deal with mosquitos and fleas a lot this and last summer.

the fleas in particular just don't go away because they always find a home in my pets. i try to put flea medicine stuff on them but these pesky parasites just don't die

Slap them till they die

Clean your room and take a shower and the flies will stop orbiting you like you orbit rose

i just had to deal with a forget load of them for the last two days and all i can say is, are flies like a huge problem in Missouri?

Clean your room and take a shower and the flies will stop orbiting you like you orbit rose
this actually makes it worse, some degree of perfume/soap actually make they hate you more

Turns out it's probably a window
forget windows, like physical windows. this post does not have a linux bias

i dont like mosquitoes.