Author Topic: Bosch, King or Queer?  (Read 2946 times)

Well, I joined this RPG Server using a TDM based lifestyle. Like there was pesants, and 'nights' (can't spell he can't), king, and the rest. But my point is, I thought it was decent at first, that is until Bosch showed up in the village.

He was a horrid little bastard. We were all building houses, shops, etc, chit-chatting a bit a few of us, then he comes in with a gun and starts killing people and blowing up houses with the fireball. Everyone starts getting pissed and asks him to stop. All he can say is "Sorry." and goes right back to killing and destroying. If I can set up a house in private away from him, I would start a secret army with the Townsfolk and we would fight back. But alas, no one will but me.

So I started killing him when he wasn't looking with a hammer, just to get rid of the noise and annoyingness. But he comes back, destroys my house, and bans me after about 20 times of killing him.

If you run into this 8 year old, ban the hell out of him/kill the ice cream out of him in a DM. Thank you.
Lol, longest post ever by me...

He was on a rampage!
He said sorry six times and then continued the killing!
Wasn't even an RPG!

Oh god, can someone say a server of doom?

It's probably mercenary again, he's a cigarette like that.

Wow.... Other than this RPG you speak of, he wasn't an ass to me. He ski's on my server alot.

Hey thanks for the heads up. If i join his server Ill leave instantly. And if he joins mine Ill trap him in a box and disable Self Delete until he leaves. >=)

Hey thanks for the heads up. If i join his server Ill leave instantly.

Why join in the first place?

How would i know if its his server or not? I wont know unless he has his name in the server name or if i join and look at the players gui.

User Banned For Post
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 03:22:01 PM by Lord Iron »

SO IT WAS YOU!!! Who are you again?  :cookieMonster: Anyways, it was annoying and you never quit. So go panda yourself plz  :cookieMonster:

So go panda yourself plz  :cookieMonster:
I concur.
Iron, you suck at everything but failing.

There's a typo in the title.
It should be King of Queer.

Dude all i was doing is shooting. I did not know it was a Crime to shoot on your own server if your going to crie about me making you upset then got panda off you pandaing queer you cant

Hey moron the point he was trying to make was that you were killing him and he killed you back and you started crying about it and banned him. So STFU!