Author Topic: Sooo my alt is still banned from boss battles after 4  (Read 4083 times)

I was being an ass on boss battles server like 4 years ago and yes I did some annoying stuff, but pecon said my perma was reduced to a year after I apologized. I haven't played blockland in at least 2-3 years, but I hopped on today just to be nostalgic and what-not and I can't just sit down and play, because everyone is on boss battles. I was wondering if an admin could unban my alt account, YosemitySam. I don't use the TomsHere account and that's really where the problem actually came from if I remember correctly, (my little brother and I used different accounts).
I'm not mad about anything and I apologized, and all I'd like is a chance to play again for my memories' sake. I had also been under the assumption that what pecon said (reducing the perma to one year) would happen. Can anyone help? I'd honestly really appreciate it.
Also I put this in drama because idk where else it would go

i unbanned you have fun : )

take this issue to court

Fine. Given the circumstances of your other ban being mitigated, and you appearing to own both accounts, I have lifted the ban on 185055.

You won't be given another chance if you break the rules again.

Fine. Given the circumstances of your other ban being mitigated, and you appearing to own both accounts, I have lifted the ban on 185055.

You won't be given another chance if you break the rules again.
What a pal, thanks Pecon

lol I remember the other four dramas you made about boss battles
you clearly don’t understand how to dm people

I think I was dm'd on blg about something like this, can't remember if it was you or not

no punishment worse than being unbanned from boss battles

i too am banned for 3 years

Fine. Given the circumstances of your other ban being mitigated, and you appearing to own both accounts, I have lifted the ban on 185055.

You won't be given another chance if you break the rules again.

Dude served an entire jail sentence and you're still treating him like he committed terrorist acts