Author Topic: what server do you hate  (Read 1828 times)

i look down at the serverlist. no dms are up. theres like 30 players and all of them are on medieval walking simulator where nothing interesting happens while you walk around a confusing map,  merps where all you do is walk around a giant pile of 1x1f bricks while nothing happens and grapple knife servers where all you do is fling yourself around a boring map of floating 4x4f bricks until someone lets go of the mouse button slightly before u do
oh and crowns jail-themed slave erp where you either follow handicapped instructions or get killed by 50 guards with ak 47s
« Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 09:36:14 AM by maxymax13 »

also i don't really hate it but crowns jailbreak. just mildly dislike it because of how boring it is

inb4 "yoU jUsT cAnT fOLLoW oRdErS!!!1"

i absolutely hate rps, merps, grapple knife, and what ever boring dm is always on there. i like fun dms

*cries in landmine launcher*
forget you phantos the landmine launcher a single mine takes out your shield and theres no way to get rid of them and they have a stupit burn effect

forget you phantos the landmine launcher a single mine takes out your shield and theres no way to get rid of them and they have a stupit burn effect
reminder that the landmine did 0 direct and explosive damage and its burn dealt 1.5 damage per second, making it the lowest DPS weapon in the entire roster. compare that to warhead which did 90 explosive damage and 150 direct. i recorded stats for weapon wins and landmine launcher had 13 tournament wins* ranking it slightly above sniper rifle, the de facto worst weapon in the game

landmine really was the most 'meta of the day' weapon considering how terrible it was but because everyone played the game with an entirely fixed mindset and refused to play against landmines in a strategic way it was considered the best weapon

*in tournaments with less than 4 other landmine users
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 09:29:20 PM by PhantOS »

Medieval RP. I like stealing their builds though, so no biggie~