Author Topic: tribal watch | investigate a """"national socialist""""  (Read 7062 times)

-signed someone who doesn't know that the vast majority of meda is heavily leftist
cnn called me a tribal I'm now gonna cry because I'm a special little snowflake that needs a conservative bubble of opinion

also its almost like if you are lacking representation in media hmmmmmmm I wonder how black communities felt when there where no black people on tv or in videogames hmmmmm

cnn called me a tribal I'm now gonna cry because I'm a special little snowflake that needs a conservative bubble of opinion

also its almost like if you are lacking representation in media hmmmmmmm I wonder how black communities felt when there where no black people on tv or in videogames hmmmmm
So this is a vengeance quest?
Retaliation, even against those who never witnessed or participated in the eras you're angry about?

So this is a vengeance quest?
Retaliation, even against those who never witnessed or participated in the eras you're angry about?
for some it may be. but its also partially cause certain parts of conservative values include such suppression of representation. eg no significant female input in determining legislation regarding abortion legality

-signed someone who's never lived in a heavily conservative town/country ever

brother YOU'VE never lived in a heavily conservative town, you're loving Canadian on the Atlantic coast so get the forget outta here you handicapped ass punk ass friend ass stuff.

but its also partially cause certain parts of conservative values include such suppression of representation.
the forget are you talking about
suppression of representation isnt something particular to conservative values

for some it may be. but its also partially cause certain parts of conservative values include such suppression of representation. eg no significant female input in determining legislation regarding abortion legality

what about liberal values such as suppression of conventional representation, eg. white, straight males being marginalized, black men being called the "white people of black people"

what about liberal values such as suppression of conventional representation, eg. white, straight males being marginalized, black men being called the "white people of black people"
just like the conservative values im talking about, that sounds more like alt left/extreme left views, which i should have clarified in the original post. i understand there is quite a few reasonable conservatives, its just the vocal minority from both sides kind of dictate the discourse/stereotype and are what comes to mind when someone says "im liberal/conservative"

its not exclusive to conservatives, its exclusive to people who buy into their side without actually listening and thinking about what the other side is saying.

So this is a vengeance quest?
Retaliation, even against those who never witnessed or participated in the eras you're angry about?
no it isn't i'm highlighting the inherent hypocrisy of people who whine about putting minorities in the media (saying that media representation shouldn't matter) then complaining about the media not representing themselves

if you think minorities creating media or participating in anything related to the media is a vengence quest you are unbelievably handicapped and cant read my posts
brother YOU'VE never lived in a heavily conservative town, you're loving Canadian on the Atlantic coast so get the forget outta here you handicapped ass punk ass friend ass stuff.
you literally don't know where i've lived lmao don't try to tell me i didn't see literal confederate flags hanging on barns near my house, there are more than enough maxime bernier supporters around me, literally half of the voters vote conservative in canada AND in the USA don't you guys try to suddenly say that conservatives literally dont exist and you are some poor oppressed minority.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 04:43:58 PM by Aide33 »

its not exclusive to conservatives, its exclusive to people who buy into their side without actually listening and thinking about what the other side is saying.


except thats pretty accurate

you're literally the sort of people that scare me off from saying I'm conservative

you're literally the sort of people that scare me off from saying I'm conservative

If you fear your own convictions bc of other ppl then you're spineless and have none to begin with

literally half of the voters vote conservative in canada

Damn you just proved right here that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about lmao.

lmao don't try to tell me i didn't see literal confederate flags hanging on barns near my house

>you live in loving Canada
>you live somewhere in eastern Canada on top of that.

Yeah I'm calling bullstuff on this, and considering you lied about above there is absolutely no reason to believe any of the stuff that spews out of your mouth.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 05:22:59 PM by beachbum111111 »

Damn you just proved right here that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about lmao.

i meant the new brunswick (, woops. albiet it's not half the voters but you know what i mean, my bad.
literally half of the seats are conservative and there is a strong conservative presence where i've lived my entire life.
>you live in loving Canada
>you live somewhere in eastern Canada on top of that.

Yeah I'm calling bullstuff on this, and considering you lied about above there is absolutely no reason to believe any of the stuff that spews out of your mouth.

like how can i prove it to you besides look at the voting patterns for southern new brunswick? the fact that new brunswick has a conservative government? etc. etc.

like im not making this up, it doesn't take a 400 iq to know that if you come out as gay in a conservative area you will get stuff done to you, people get beat up, some people in my family have been literally disowned for being gay

ill take pictures of the confederate flags if I see them again, but they are literally not that rare in northern maine/rural new brunswick. I was shocked at it too. you can pretend rural canada isn't as redneck and reactionary as the deep south usa but that's deeply untrue in certain areas
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 05:51:39 PM by Aide33 »

If you fear your own convictions bc of other ppl then you're spineless and have none to begin with
also this is true

just like how u told me the other day that the "regressive" left keeps pushing you towards the right because you dont want to be associated with them xd
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 05:44:45 PM by Aide33 »

That's called the overton window you loving dipstuff