Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Multiple Injuries reported after school shooting in California  (Read 7343 times)

Unless I’m going to be away for a long period of time; why the hell would I want to lock up a gun that I keep next to my bed for immediate access? I don’t have children, and I don’t live with handicaps. If I come home from work/school and realize my gun is missing, I report it.

If I’m sleeping and I hear my front door being crowbar’d, I will not spent the time to get up and turn on the lights alerting any intruders to my position, I will then have to dial the combination lock, something I can do if I practice in maybe 30 seconds, and THEN I have access to my firearm. No thanks.

honestly I don’t know why anybody would not keep their gun under lock and key. all the ones I own each have a lock on the case and another for the safe. guns are expensive lol and I’m not some paranoid freak that needs it by my side “just in case” 24/7

honestly I don’t know why anybody would not keep their gun under lock and key. all the ones I own each have a lock on the case and another for the safe. guns are expensive lol and I’m not some paranoid freak that needs it by my side “just in case” 24/7

I'll take my chances. If a robber does break into my house at night, they'll definitely be on the receiving end.

Yeah I'm not usually one to make takes like this here, but personally I think you're loving handicapped if you own a gun and don't do something to secure it. With great power comes great responsibility; and owning a gun is no exception. Don't be a handicap, lock up your guns.
I agree with this. Aren't most of these school shootings done by kids using their parents gun that they for some reason have access to?

Unless I’m going to be away for a long period of time; why the hell would I want to lock up a gun that I keep next to my bed for immediate access? I don’t have children, and I don’t live with handicaps. If I come home from work/school and realize my gun is missing, I report it.

If I’m sleeping and I hear my front door being crowbar’d, I will not spent the time to get up and turn on the lights alerting any intruders to my position, I will then have to dial the combination lock, something I can do if I practice in maybe 30 seconds, and THEN I have access to my firearm. No thanks.
on top of way overestimating how long it takes to open a combination lock, theres numpad/fingerprint locks too. the point is if you have kids and you're not locking up your gun, you're part of the problem. if you dont have kids, then it doesnt matter i guess.

honestly I don’t know why anybody would not keep their gun under lock and key. all the ones I own each have a lock on the case and another for the safe. guns are expensive lol and I’m not some paranoid freak that needs it by my side “just in case” 24/7

Ah stuff someone broke into my house
Better start a scavenger hunt for the key to the gun safe while he rapes my daughter and forgets the blood and guts out of my cat

on top of way overestimating how long it takes to open a combination lock, theres numpad/fingerprint locks too. the point is if you have kids and you're not locking up your gun, you're part of the problem. if you dont have kids, then it doesnt matter i guess.

I think its common sense to keep guns away from children. Even my father hid his from me.

Ah stuff someone broke into my house
Better start a scavenger hunt for the key to the gun safe while he rapes my daughter and forgets the blood and guts out of my cat
you say this like it happens regularly to you

I think its common sense to keep guns away from children. Even my father hid his from me.
it is, but unfortunately sometimes parents believe their kids would never take their gun and shoot people up, but also not be aware of their kids mental state. by adding risk of significant punishment if they don’t properly keep guns away from kids, it encourages them (even if only slightly) to do so.

if everyone had the same kind of common sense, we wouldnt need laws and a communist/socialist society would be easily within our grasp. lovely, but idealistic.

I don’t have children, and I don’t live with handicaps.

Then nobody cares. The law wouldn't be for you.

Better start a scavenger hunt for the key to the gun safe while he rapes my daughter and forgets the blood and guts out of my cat

If you can't perform the very simple task of punching in a key code on a safe in a high stress situation how do you expect to safely identify and neutralize a threat in your home? You shouldn't own a gun in that case because you're probably a bigger threat to your daughter and cat than a home invader.

The only reason I could see this being an issue is if you sleep on the first floor of your house and can't lock your house at night, you're deaf, or you live in South Africa. Even if that were the case you'd just take your gun out when you're sleeping and lock it up or keep it on you when you're awake. There is literally no reason to leave a weapon and ammunition lying around your house. This isn't even a partisan issue, it's just common sense, even among gun enthusiasts.

Don’t talk bad about my gun waifu

you say this like it happens regularly to you

Yeah cause you can only die once, loving dumbass

Yeah cause you can only die once, loving dumbass
fair enough, got to stay strapped

>average of a million~ home invasions every year
>"bro you don't need instant access to your gun cmon bro"

>mass shootings in maybe triple digits
>"we need more regulations bro cmon give up your rights for the children"