Author Topic: I give up for now, Messiah goes into a break  (Read 4060 times)

Thanks to the 6 people who supported me, the 2 youtubers who helped me and the 4 new players we have
Also big respeck to elektr or whatever his name is, trogtor and many more!
The messiah is going on hiatus

Also to the haters who said this game sucks, stop using their forums then, they might suck too lmao
Ingest my rectum haters, you killed the game
(No hate, No homo)

Also Im joking, im not really a god

ah I see the cracks wearing off

ah I see the cracks wearing off
just bored of toxic starfishs like you

eletcrk is a cigarette ignore him

eletcrk is a cigarette ignore him
Nah hes ok, he just likes to troll for some reason

me when the game dies  :cookieMonster:

you need to chill dude, that reply was almost instant

you need to chill dude, that reply was almost instant
Unlike you guys, I care

Unlike you guys, I care
There comes a point where you need to realize you care way too much. This game isn't coming back.

There comes a point where you need to realize you care way too much. This game isn't coming back.
It did with the help of 7 people so far

you must embark on this quest alone

you must embark on this quest alone
Bcs the ones who have potential are too ignorant