Author Topic: 💀 2020 death predictions 💀 - Kim jong-un dead(?) [citation needed]  (Read 15122 times)

snot and Copy Kirby have been awarded half a point each

you forgot to add my thing for clint eastwood i posted on jan 31

Queen of England
Dennis Rodman's Pal
Harrison Ford
Tom Kenny

Add my prediction you cowards.

I thought he already died, derp.

Add my prediction you cowards.
you forgot to add my thing for clint eastwood i posted on jan 31
fixed friends

friends was a perfectly good show and didnt need fixing smh


friends was a perfectly good show and didnt need fixing smh
i'm more of a frasier fan myself

kenny rogers has passed, no one predicted it

This is mean of me as a Pink Floyd band but:

Roger Waters (Basset)
David Gilmore (Guitar)
Nick Mason (Drums)

John Conway has passed due to the coronavirus
also my name isnt under jimmy carter

Mikhail Gorbachev

Ozzy Osbourne

John Williams

i feel like this is easy mode, with the coronavirus and all that

soldier tf2 voice actor died of virus

Mikhail Gorbachev

Ozzy Osbourne

John Williams
OP add plox

hate to say it but maybe Jimmy Page