Author Topic: impeachment process doesn't seem fair to me lol  (Read 1995 times)

That doesn't mean you'll win because every state needs equal representation if we went by population it would be unfair to other states. That's why we have the electoral college.



So why is there no electoral college like system for the house and senate?

I think it would be better if they let me decide things because my mom says i am very smart and handsome. forget the states and their dipstuff representatives, They havent done anything good for me recently.

That doesn't mean you'll win because every state needs equal representation if we went by population it would be unfair to other states. That's why we have the electoral college.


we have the electoral college because when the constitution was drafted there was a one in four chance you were illiterate and a 100% chance you were a forgetin dweeb. #1 mistake for a democracy is to let Dweebs and Dumbasses determine your country's agenda. I think it is quite a good thing this does not happen

Leave it to tony to not understand political parties.

So why is there no electoral college like system for the house and senate?

On the off-chance you're not joking:

The amount of representatives a state can send to the House is based on population, while senators remain static at 2. This is to ensure proportional representation in one section of congress, and equal representation in the other.

So why is there no electoral college like system for the house and senate?
idk answer it yourself, youre the one that wrote that post i copied

Our house of representatives can agree on bullstuff like 700 million in military spending.

But for stuff like this they only vote for their side.

It's bullstuff and this is a terrible political system.

yeah, that's cus politics is all about getting elected. all you gotta do is keep the people that vote for you and give you money happy. voters love the military and the lobbying private companies that profit from the military love money, really a win-win for both parties even when they publicly decry wasteful spending. that's why no republican would ever vote to impeach Annoying Orange unless they already plan to retire after this term, even if they wanted to. it's just political Self Delete. additionally, after the votes, Annoying Orange was basically going through every congress member's twitter pages to promote every single person that publicly defended him. it's basically some of the best political marketing you could get and all you have to do is say and do the same thing as every other member of your party