Author Topic: USA Made Products Links (Updated)  (Read 5278 times)

To my fellow Americans who don't hate their country, or aren't going to to blame all economic problems and job shortages on previous/current/future presidential administrations... I have a message.

Buying domestic-made products can be a great way to strengthen the American economy and rejuvenate the depleting middle class. Manufacturing jobs provide low-skill opportunities for people nation wide, who don't really want to spend 30,000+ on a degree and fall into an inescapable deficit in order to find a decent paying job.

In an effort to help curve the ever growing problem of outsourcing, I'm compiling a list of all American made products neatly organized for your discretion. I hope you'll find your needs satisfied.

Links to some great directory portals:


« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 05:38:51 PM by Mr.Annoying »

forget the Chinese

We should sympathize with the Chinese working class. They are enslaved under an authoritarian regime by their government to work for small wages and horrendous hours on behalf of American conglomerates.

Buying products made in America, or other products made in countries with equitable treatment of manufacturing workers, would be a crucial step to ending this cycle.

Error forget this comment

Notice: Do me a favor and leave some comments if you stop by the list, and make some suggestions if you can think of any.

cast iron and dutch oven accessories, made American for Americans

cast iron and dutch oven accessories, made American for Americans
hmm i needed a dutch oven

hmm i needed a dutch oven

Not everything on the list is exactly something the typical Blockland Forums user would consider a necessity (see Automobiles). But, there are no suggestions that aren't worth being made here.

Edit: They're basically pots and pans.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 11:53:57 AM by Mr.Annoying »

outsourced goods are cheaper than domestic products and therefore there is no good reason as a consumer to buy anything made outside southeast asia

outsourced goods are cheaper than domestic products and therefore there is no good reason as a consumer to buy anything made outside southeast asia

shut your mouth commie pig

outsourced goods are cheaper than domestic products and therefore there is no good reason as a consumer to buy anything made outside southeast asia

Not sure if bait, or a legitimate rebuttal, but I'll disagree either way. American made products are typically of a higher quality, and when an outsourced product is of a similar quality to those domestic made, they're around the same price.

I'm having trouble figuring out what on the store is US-Made and what isn't. I checked on their website and on Wikipedia. Do you know anything else that could shed more light on their manufacturing?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 05:31:47 PM by Mr.Annoying »