
vote here!

yea i have bad eyes
28 (68.3%)
yes but i dont need to
1 (2.4%)
no but i should
1 (2.4%)
11 (26.8%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Author Topic: do you wear glasses  (Read 1904 times)

pleas be honest vote on the poll

Never have. I’ve been told that I have near perfect vision, so as long as I don’t do something to forget that up, I don’t think I’ll be needing them anytime soon. I think glasses are cute on others, tho.

i ain't no four-eyes

bet i could rock them pretty well though 😎

My eyes aren't bad, but i can't see the finer details of objects and i can't read in certain cases

Also, my left eye is far-sighted while my right eye is near-sighted, my current glasses improve my vision overall, but they also reverse the sightedness between my eyes, which is a bit weird

I’m at like 21/24 or something, so I’ll probably need them in five or ten years

i wore glasses for a really long time and then i broke them when i was skateboarding and since then i've been living in agony

yes, i cant read almost anything that's further than 2 feet away from my face without my glasses, unless the text is in 300+ point size

yes because im a big fat nerd

glasses are for DUMB IDIOTS

-2.5 on both eyes
Im planning on getting lasik soon because glasses r gay

Glasses suck (sorry glasses wearer's)

i did 10 years ago

far away things i cant read so i have glasses. now its just become a part of my appearance so i dont want to switch to contacts or anything

i have slightly better than 20/20 vision

blind motherforgeter gang rise up