Author Topic: update regarding abusive household  (Read 6838 times)

no i really dont see a big problem, hes not loving beating the stuff out of him. There's definitely a problem but i wouldn't call it abuse.
see the following:
my dad threatened my life 2 days ago. in the middle of one of his anger induced bullying fits he said "if [stepmom] wasn't standing here right now i would've killed you and [grandma] right now.", then proceeded to gesture his hand like it was a gun shooting me in the head. he also threatened to beat me to death, even getting up to me to punch me square in the jaw, only stopping an inch short to try and intimidate me into blocking so he could mock me more.
and to prove a point he straight up just pulled his richard out and pissed on my bedding.
my dad is now policing everything i do. out of principle he makes me do every single thing around the house, and even when i do all the chores i have to do he still won't let me have free time solely because he doesn't want me to have any free time. i can't even eat anymore without permission and when i do i have to do it under their supervision.
abuse is not just chris brown, you can emotionally and mentally abuse someone. i don't want to go as far as calling you a handicap or something, because if you think it's just "going hard on him" + "realizing you're an idiot and that you feel bad," that doesn't say your home life is much better.
i wish the best of luck for both you and nix.

Try to stay safe and keep yourself sane until you can move out. Do you have other family members you can reach out to for support?

Do you have other family members you can reach out to for support?
unfortunately no, the closest i have is my very tightknit and close clique of friends

unfortunately no, the closest i have is my very tightknit and close clique of friends
If you are in danger, you can get protection. It sounds scary to leave your family behind, but you'd be placed in the custody of another family until you're an adult.

Nix, I know the current times are rough, but I believe that if you keep your chin up, you can get over this and put that miserable bastard in his place. It may not happen in the next hour or the next week, but the most important thing is to not give up and let him win.
Me and others are rooting for you. Stay as safe as you can.

Eighteen years I have been on this planet, not a lot, but it is enough experience in my books to know this is the single most dumb loving thing I have ever read online, nothing will ever top it. You can't be this naive Peebs, the forums would rejoice if you logged off and removed yourself from the grid until you get your standards straightened up.

If you are in danger, you can get protection. It sounds scary to leave your family behind, but you'd be placed in the custody of another family until you're an adult.
it's time for me to stop standing idle and letting this stuff keep happening and happening to me, i need to loving take action. please, how do i do this
i need this. I need a family to keep me, my pet and my stuff safe so i don't have to constantly worry about someone who hates me. I legitimately think if I continue living in this house until im 18, i might get some kind of forgeted up mental disorder
please, help

it's time for me to stop standing idle and letting this stuff keep happening and happening to me, i need to loving take action. please, how do i do this
i need this. I need a family to keep me, my pet and my stuff safe so i don't have to constantly worry about someone who hates me. I legitimately think if I continue living in this house until im 18, i might get some kind of forgeted up mental disorder
please, help
You would need to get ahold of social services (child protective service) in your city and describe your situation. If you are ever in immediate danger, call the police.

yeah text cps or some stuff like that
if you have to contact the police its possible to email your local pd

it's time for me to stop standing idle and letting this stuff keep happening and happening to me, i need to loving take action. please, how do i do this
i need this. I need a family to keep me, my pet and my stuff safe so i don't have to constantly worry about someone who hates me. I legitimately think if I continue living in this house until im 18, i might get some kind of forgeted up mental disorder
please, help
Bottom line is that you should probably call the police/ get in contact with CPS.

edit: what the replies above said

police would be unable to do anything. ive told them the stuff he's done and the cops did nothing.
im admittedly scared of cps as well because they're probably just gonna put me in a worse situation

im admittedly scared of cps as well because they're probably just gonna put me in a worse situation
What could be worse than the situation you're already in?

What could be worse than the situation you're already in?
being relocated to a super stuffty area where you're gonna get your ass kicked every day by some kid gang.

What could be worse than the situation you're already in?
cps has a lot of history being an unreliable and uncaring service unless you get lucky with whoever handling your case. its very possible he could end up in a stufftier situation where its not parental abuse he's suffering through, but bad living conditions/peer abuse instead in a foster home.

fist fight your dad already