Author Topic: joshtbo Self Delete predictions  (Read 9720 times)

This was actually pretty funny not gonna lie, the gifs were good. If I were to Self Delete I'd do it with a revolver below my chin and blow my head off but that's just me. I just want away from this autistic simp community. TP more like simps lmao smh got your e-abused lady stole and got butt hurt over it go get some real pusillanimous individual smh.

u kno what...mayb phantos got a point

go get some real pusillanimous individual smh.

Bro you were trying to get love with a blockland player

Bro you were trying to get love with a blockland player
Nah I just wanted to get her out of a bad situation with TP and their abusive and manipulative tactics. Then went and had some fun myself, been smoking pot and relaxing ever since.

If I were to Self Delete I'd do it with a revolver below my chin and blow my head off but that's just me.
how depressing would it be to shoot yourself in the face and watch with your one remaining eye and surviving sensory cortex as your body goes into involuntary muscle spasms and thick brain-infused blood drains out of nostrils. and then as consciousness fades and the ringing in your ears intensifies and the visual snow evolves into complete darkness the last thought your mangled brain can spare before shutting down is 'wow i really just killed myself over some random internet user i hardly know.'

Bro it's funny when tp talks because it's really easy to make fun of abusive stuffheads like them, like how sad of a social life do you have to be to do that stuff online for years. I guess it goes to show they never could talk to women (or anyone) inside or outside of the internet.

someone give me a quick rundown of what in the tard-nation is going on here

I just want away from this autistic simp community.
Just change your password to gibberish and log out???

my man if what people are saying/doing online affects you mentally then u just gotta log off. its that easy. we aint in your room

we aint in your room
actually im in his room right now he's masturbating to cirno's perfect math class and he wont stop loving babbling about tp (i think he's talking about toilet paper) and i want to leave but if i crawl out from under his bed he'll catch me SEND HELP!!! PLEASE!!!

i have no idea whats going on here anymore

oh my god he just replayed it for the 47th time if i hear the part where marisa says baka one more time i'm literally going to start crying

There are no buses in Gensokyo.

my man if what people are saying/doing online affects you mentally then u just gotta log off. its that easy. we aint in your room
Trust me nobody here could affect me in the slightest, that’s not my problem. I enjoy this banter, I just want a permanent solution to not coming back Ig.

Trust me nobody here could affect me in the slightest, that’s not my problem. I enjoy this banter, I just want a permanent solution to not coming back Ig.