Author Topic: news 5g causing the corona  (Read 1054 times)

The 5g towers are apparently causing corona and the people arond the world are tearing them down. This is great because of the radiation anyways.

uhhh... thread kinda sucks can u lock it

Now who's to say 5G did that monkey ass bullstuff cashing Corona huh???? Now lemme tell you something I know John and we know the real brother ho really made Corona my brother. 5G(rand) ain't so it. Even if 5g(rand) caused Corona what would I do about it huh. Exactly brother case closed

Now who's to say 5G did that monkey ass bullstuff cashing Corona huh???? Now lemme tell you something I know John and we know the real brother ho really made Corona my brother. 5G(rand) ain't so it. Even if 5g(rand) caused Corona what would I do about it huh. Exactly brother case closed
God, damn!

All I'm saying is put your money up not your funny up

Me with radiation poisoning:

Me without 5G:

What font are you using Tony?

these idiots tearing down the towers are ruining our only chance at super powers
i hope they rot

I mostly follow David Icke on YouTube. I don't agree with everything he says but sometimes he can explain it very well. In the last live stream from him that got banned one minute after broadcast, someone screamed "torch the towers".

Fear-mongers like David Icke are doing more harm than good. They really don't offer any solution other than inciting panic and dread. Fear is a weapon.