Author Topic: how are you holding up with quarantine and coronavirus  (Read 2416 times)

damp we should quarantine together
we should zoom call like researchstars but we're hotter then them and we don't even gotta strip. we're just that seductive

I'm currently alone and I can't have people over like I usually do, but otherwise things are the same, I just wear gloves and take some hand sanitizer.
Getting sick is the least of my concerns tbh, the hospital is within reasonable walking distance for me, and forget staying indoors all day.

im a shut-in neet so life hasn't really changed at all for me except for the fact that i now live with a mild albeit constant fear in the back of my mind of contracting viral chink aids and dying of pneumonia, heart attack, and stroke simultaneously while my testicles shrivel up into raisins and the chinese go unpunished for their crimes against humanity

Mostly unaffected. My wife and I are both still working, and we both spend our entire productive lives at home. Can't buy toilet paper, that's really the only thing.

It's been fine for me. I haven't lost work extremely fortunately because I work at a nutritional supplement place, and it's considered an essential business apparently. It's amazing seeing nobody on the roads, I'm gonna be pissed when this is all over because right now the concept of traffic seems like a foreign fairy dream.

My job is gone. It was a small business, probably run by the indian mob or whatever, but they were pretty poor so it probably won't come back when/if this is over. Which sucks because out of the 7 jobs I've had, it's the only one I've had that didn't make me want to kill myself and actually made me pretty happy. So when quarantine ends I probably won't ever be able to go back which means the end of me having money. Been playing blockland a lot, been drinking a lot more. Not dead yet but if I do, I'll let you know.

all my schoolwork is optional so im good ngl, im about to get a job at a grocery store so life is good ngl

my life is exactly the same as before except i get paid essential worker pay and i go through 4 bottles of apple e&j a week instead of the usual 2

my life is exactly the same as before except i get paid essential worker pay and i go through 4 bottles of apple e&j a week instead of the usual 2
what's e AND SYMBOL j

my life is exactly the same as before except i get paid essential worker pay and i go through 4 bottles of apple e&j a week instead of the usual 2

Professional budgeting skills.

i loving wish i could stay at home all day instead i gotta work this scuffed ass grocery store job.