Author Topic: Key Compromise  (Read 51523 times)

who the forget is celau even
are we just doing villian of the week nowadays in blockland

im in no way approving of what you did but you were smart enough to dig and find this exploit why were you so stupid to hand it off to celau. the kid can't ever keep his mouth shut and this ain't no forum beef anymore like I said. it's a felony and you should've forgeted off or had better execution in keeping your name away from this. so sloppy
not everyone is up to date on blockland drama, val happened to know nothin about celau which is unlucky.

not everyone is up to date on blockland drama, val happened to know nothin about celau which is unlucky.
but I mean like god damn even for a cyber gig you gotta look at at least a little bit of someone's dirt. picked least capable and put together of all the issue users

i know key auth is disabled but my man just posted a link to a link to the compromised keys

what is this and why'd you post it

It's pretty obvious what it is if you read it.

thje pastebin is a RCE

not everyone is up to date on blockland drama, val happened to know nothin about celau which is unlucky.
thats not unlucky, thats just being stupid. celau has been doing this stuff to blockland servers and discords for three years. val should have the wits not to hand out exploits to people they don't know... or to just not make the exploits in the first place.

thats not unlucky, thats just being stupid. celau has been doing this stuff to blockland servers and discords for three years. val should have the wits not to hand out exploits to people they don't know... or to just not make the exploits in the first place.
It's actually concerning just how ignorant some people are to the kinds of problematic users that exist in this community, like, i understand wanting to stay away from the drama, but you should at least acknowledge it's existence so you know at least who and what to stay away from

my issue is that regardless of the intent or knowledge of problem users that computermix had he knew that he found a major vulnerability in the game and he decided it was appropriate to share this vulnerability with other users rather than immediately send it to badspot and keep quiet. this exploit could have resulted in severe real-life ramifications and the only reason it did not is because nobody made the keylogger that celau requested

my issue is that regardless of the intent or knowledge of problem users that computermix had he knew that he found a major vulnerability in the game and he decided it was appropriate to share this vulnerability with other users rather than immediately send it to badspot and keep quiet. this exploit could have resulted in severe real-life ramifications and the only reason it did not is because nobody made the keylogger that celau requested

This is an interesting point. Let's get philosophical here and I'd appreciate any feedback I could get from you guys.

I keep regressing back to old behavior despite multiple visits to rehab, which I feel like they shape up my behavior pretty well. I always have a firm resolve to do the right thing when I leave, including staying off drugs, but part of keeping clean is staying away from bad behaviors and attitudes.

So why do I keep going back to this? It's like if I got into a car accident-- suddenly, I'm extremely nervous and cautious when I drive now, because I want to avoid another crash from happening. But over time my driving habits loosen up and I'm basically back to where I was, because the memory of how terrible the accident was has now faded.

It's the same for this exact scenario. If you put this exploit in front of me when I just left rehab, I can say with almost certainty I would have just reported it. But I decided to take advantage of it and see it work. Is it because it's interesting? Tempting? Do I lack morals, or do I just not care?

The only answer I can come up with now is that yes, I don't really care. Happy people seem to have a strong moral code and well, they have no problem upholding it because they're happy enough to. I don't feel happy and haven't for about two years now. If only I could find another source of happiness, then maybe I would start caring for myself and my reputation with others, but I'm very lonely and feel neglected by my friends enough to where there's nobody to even be there to stick me to it.

This isn't an attempt at begging for sympathy, I'm genuinely interested how I can become a better person and actually stick to guidelines instead of caving into temptation like this. Thoughts welcome.

This is an interesting point. Let's get philosophical here and I'd appreciate any feedback I could get from you guys.

I keep regressing back to old behavior despite multiple visits to rehab, which I feel like they shape up my behavior pretty well. I always have a firm resolve to do the right thing when I leave, including staying off drugs, but part of keeping clean is staying away from bad behaviors and attitudes.

So why do I keep going back to this? It's like if I got into a car accident-- suddenly, I'm extremely nervous and cautious when I drive now, because I want to avoid another crash from happening. But over time my driving habits loosen up and I'm basically back to where I was, because the memory of how terrible the accident was has now faded.

It's the same for this exact scenario. If you put this exploit in front of me when I just left rehab, I can say with almost certainty I would have just reported it. But I decided to take advantage of it and see it work. Is it because it's interesting? Tempting? Do I lack morals, or do I just not care?

The only answer I can come up with now is that yes, I don't really care. Happy people seem to have a strong moral code and well, they have no problem upholding it because they're happy enough to. I don't feel happy and haven't for about two years now. If only I could find another source of happiness, then maybe I would start caring for myself and my reputation with others, but I'm very lonely and feel neglected by my friends enough to where there's nobody to even be there to stick me to it.

This isn't an attempt at begging for sympathy, I'm genuinely interested how I can become a better person and actually stick to guidelines instead of caving into temptation like this. Thoughts welcome.

Morals are not something you just have and give yourself. They are instilled in you, the only way to have them is to believe them constantly; even in any form of doubt when they are tested. Your hypothetical is basically saying that in the mix of it you can't continue following your morals, you either don't believe enough or just don't want to.

I'm in no place to say you are a good or bad person, but you certainly stepped up; just later than you should have.

I think the final thing I could say is that when you are in bouts of depression and trauma, those are the best times to evaluate yourself, and your surrounding peers. Those are the greatest times to see if you believe in what you say you believe. I hope next time if you are ever in a situation like this again you think twice about cause and effect.

Knew Cca had something in this pages ago, albeit from faulty reasoning.

As for you Comp, would sincerely encourage you to use your skills in a better way. I’ve been here longer than just about anyone and can safely say you’re one of the smartest we’ve ever had. This community or just about anyone would benefit so much if you used these skills to improve the game (which you have, don’t get me wrong) by finding these exploits instead of allowing bad people to use them. You definitely have good in you you’re just misguided.

since celau is no longer my friend because he decided out of loving nowhere to completely drop me after he did this handicapped stuff
i knew that he didn't just do this all by himself, he's really not that inclined to be smart enough to find an exploit like that
every instance that he talked to me over it he made it sound like he was a "genius" and did it pretty much on his own

it's really funny considering he blames me for telling torin and a couple other people for "ratting him out" but literally everything he did to conduct this was so loving obvious
he had practically an entire group post stuff for him and larp, all of them astroturfing their own threads to piece this together, then when people started connecting the dots he stuff all over me for telling everybody even though i had nothing to do with them finding out information about it/putting it together. and plus other no-names came and told them anyways about what he was doing.

there's so many other people that saw what he was doing that would've started telling people but he chose like
the one guy that knew him IRL and hung out with him all the time and cared for his wellbeing and actually enjoyed being friends with him to blame for it, even though i had nothing to do with saying anything about it
and i'd literally stick up for him every single time someone tried to burn his name but from what i quote "he does not give a stuff about being friends with me" and "has hundreds of people lined up to suck his richard"
the night after it happened he argued with me and pretty much said he wanted nothing to do with me anymore, to which i tried to figure out why but then realized he was in a stuff state of mind, so i figured the next day i'd talk to him again to try and figure it out with him to which i got removed on loving every platform that he had me on

i would've never said anything if he hadn't just sperged and yelled at me over voice at like 6 in the morning because i honestly gave more of a stuff about him than i would any regular average joe on the internet because i knew him personally and knew him in real life

i still say to people that beyond this loving insane pit of narcissism he has, deep down i think he is a good person still(?)

i just wish he wouldn't have held like an irl friendship under leaking blockland keys, because if you ask me, that's pretty loving autistic and a major waste of time

i told him several times that leaking blockland keys was a stupid idea, that it was a waste of time and he could put his energy into better things, because from what i understand he was "inspired by my CSGO and TF2 leak i had done weeks prior"

i don't know man, i really wish he'd wake the forget up, i don't see myself talking to him again unless he actually pulls his head out of his ass. it's really lame what he did and how he handled himself afterwards, i have other friends to chill with but i probably wont have a friend like that again that just came from the internet and was easily relatable to bc of that