Author Topic: 2020/05/03 - Blockland r2005-r2012  (Read 71918 times)

I had this problem. Resolved it by removing the 'Read-Only' status to Blockland.exe

Right, I forgot that was something I had

for historical purposes, is this considered a speedkart update or a security update?

in all seriousness, a full steam auth would be neat in a sense of like, the whole key leak/sharing/theft stuff finally coming to an end after all these years

Seeing as we're getting much-needed fixes, there is an extremely important long-standing issue with the Mac OS X version of the game. I would go as far as to say that, until it is fixed, the game should not be categorized as compatible with OS X.

Blockland is unable to create new folders, now it seems even files in pre-existing folders. It gives the following error in red:

ResManager::openFileForWrite - failed to create a path for "[relative path]"

This is an issue that started around the static map depreciation, but it's effect was mitigated by me having a full Blockland install with many folders and files already in place. I have since gotten a new computer with a completely fresh install and the issue persisted. Due to this, Blockland is not creating any configuration files and does not save any settings you make (keybinds, initial networking settings etc.).
I even sent you a PM relating to this back in 2015 that gives some more information:
  A while ago I noticed that whenever using OS X 10.9 steam version, Blockland spits out an OS error when trying to create files in nonexistent folders.

 the folders I thought were missing, in the OS root folder ( / ). [...]

EDIT: Apparently I made a topic relating to this and verified this is a problem that persists across installations on the steam-version. Greek2Me hypothesized this might be a path string length issue.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 02:45:51 AM by Dannu »

i investigated some years ago and it appeared the problem was specific to the steam version - the game saves configuration files to the completely wrong directory

is it just me or does the captcha for this fail every single time


  • Administrator
is it just me or does the captcha for this fail every single time

Sometime in mid March, google changed the way their captcha response was formatted which broke the parsing.  I already fixed it for the forum a while back but I forgot about that page.  Fixed now.


  • Administrator
Quick progress report, so far I have:
- Designed a new auth database
- Written and tested scripts for converting old data into new database
- Researched steam auth on dedicated servers
- Written new auth server and master server backend

Still need to:
- Update game client/server auth
- Create new name/blid selection gui
- Test all the backend stuff
- Rewrite steamRedeem page

Quick progress report, so far I have:
- Designed a new auth database
- Written and tested scripts for converting old data into new database
- Researched steam auth on dedicated servers
- Written new auth server and master server backend

Still need to:
- Update game client/server auth
- Create new name/blid selection gui
- Test all the backend stuff
- Rewrite steamRedeem page

does any of this affect the ability for developers to query the auth system outside the game, as some of us already do with authQuery.php ?

Is there an update available for the Mac version too? Whenever I launch BlocklandLauncher it doesn't download any files and doesn't update. It still says version r2001 and I was actually able to play on a server without any issue.

Quick progress report, so far I have:
- Designed a new auth database
- Written and tested scripts for converting old data into new database
- Researched steam auth on dedicated servers
- Written new auth server and master server backend

Still need to:
- Update game client/server auth
- Create new name/blid selection gui
- Test all the backend stuff
- Rewrite steamRedeem page
my mind's a bit fried from sleep exhaustion right now but i just wanted to say thanks for working on fixing all this & even creating some new stuff on top of that-- not too sure how to fully convey it myself, but it's pretty interesting to see all these changes being made/planned for BL all these years later, even stuff like the new GUI.
(out of curiosity what does "name/blid selection" entail btw? is that something new or is it something we already have that im misunderstanding?)

i'm curious to see where things will go beyond this once this is all settled & the move is complete.

will i be able to change my bl key from my brother's steam acc to mine
he doesn't even play blockland