Author Topic: your opinion on ice cream floats  (Read 882 times)

aka ice cream + soda, usually vanilla + root beer

i like them but they're kinda tedious to make and energize me to the point where i'm bouncing off the walls
i usually did vanilla with coke, orange, or grape soda
i usually used the cheapest possible soda, too
i prefer to mix the float rather than leave a scoop of ice cream in my cup of soda
(some people use chocolate ice cream??? wild)

and yes i just took the thread on ice cream and the thread on soda and put them together B)

only with a&w root beer

a&w is vanilla flavored root beer so it goes the best with vanilla ice cream in a float


zfesrhifdgsrbjhkdsfgzbs YUMMY XD

if you got A&W or Mug root beer in there, it can go down really good

Im not into them. Something about the carbonation mixing with the ice cream turns it into a layer of foam the same consistency of sea scum.