Author Topic: why would we evolve  (Read 3737 times)

i just dont understand why we would evolve into such loving useless creatures. Humans are loving weak. We would be at the bottom of the food chain if it wasn't for tools. So why would pretty strong animals evolve into weak animals? I thought you evolve better traits to adapt. What is our defense against a loving bear? We can punch but that will do nothing. I just do not understand.

"better traits" isn't as simple as physically strong > weak. our lineage saw the loss of raw muscle mass in favor of a larger cranium and greater brains. our defense against a bear is bear spray, guns, traps, etc. things we invented to compensate for our weak bodies.

humans are NOT weak. not all of us at least. have you seen what adrenaline can do? you're saying we'd be at the bottom of the food chain if it weren't for tools but we created those tools, yeah we'd get mauled by a fukin bear, but that's an example of how humans have evolved better traits and how humans have adapted, because hundreds of years ago we wouldn't have been able to do stuff against them, but now we have things that WE developed to keep us safe and to keep our race alive

id evolve into a sylveon

Humans have far more sweat glands then just about any other animal apart from horses and other primates, since humans can sweat like a motherforgeter we can outrun just about any other animal to the point where they just straight up drop dead because they can't regulate their internal temperature.

sometimes evolving a brain is a mistake bc stuff like this exists

we didn't become smart because we were weak, we became "weak" because we were smart. greater muscle mass costs our bodies energy needlessly when our endurance and tool use compensated for it. it doesn't matter how we'd fare without our intelligence, because we wouldn't be like this otherwise. you dumb hoe

also our defense against bears is knowing better than to fight a loving bear

i mean humans are better at throwing things than any other animal and that's kinda neat

i have opposable thumbs and i give this thread a thumbs down

how else am i going to reach the space stage in spore(tm)

Humans have far more sweat glands then just about any other animal apart from horses and other primates, since humans can sweat like a motherforgeter we can outrun just about any other animal to the point where they just straight up drop dead because they can't regulate their internal temperature.
some african tribes hunt this way

they literally marathon animals to death then eat them when they are cooling off in the shade

how else am i going to reach the space stage in spore(tm)
underrated post

Humans are loving weak
are you kidding me?
we have loving THUMBS