Author Topic: we found badspot's stock sound effect cd  (Read 21732 times)

So is this where the sound origin saga ends, or will we continue tracking down every known trace of audio used in this game?
This is where it ends, for now

It'll take another 10+ years to find the origins of the remaining sounds

honestly what sounds are missing? we've found most of them across the internet

honestly what sounds are missing? we've found most of them across the internet
Whichever ones have not been listed in this thread and the two obvious Mario Bros. sounds, like there's still 'orchHit', the two wrench sounds, 'glassBreak', the water sounds (maybe), and so on

Also, did we ever find out what the death sound is?

Also, did we ever find out what the death sound is?
its from doom iirc

yeah it's the doom death sound sped up
glassbreak is a generic stock sound lol I think it was even in some valve game way back when

stuff literally sounds like one of those 90's alt songs or some stuff that slaps

I found another...

Well stuff, was looking into HQ ripping this song at some point then I happened to come across this thread

I took at look into the beat 2000 file for After School Special (Poppybeat), all the samples used are just straight up WAV files. Very useful if you wanted to attempt finding the original instruments (and raw samples) used for the song

Here they are if anyone wanted to hear them isolated.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 03:26:58 AM by SpongeCraft1212 »

Can you make an isolated collection of these ones as well?
Techno/TN5_120.B2 (Stress)
Rock/RK2_120.B2 (Bass, Rock)

Renekar already did this, but they're not separate, so this would be more helpful

Done, these should be it. The songs are called Techno 5 and Kickass Rock respectively.

this thread genuinely made my day